
David Terrell!

Yeah, where’s that hard-hitting “open a jar of pickles” segment that the tough late night hosts use...

You guys are such crybabies about anyone criticizing Kaepernick/Rapinoe. It’s their right to protest during the anthem. That doesn’t mean that they’re doing something good/important/helpful/positive/meaningful. Brooks is saying the country benefits from shared dreams (as symbolized by the anthem) even if it doesn’t

You guys are such crybabies about anyone criticizing Kaepernick. It’s his right to protest during the anthem. That doesn’t mean that he’s doing something good/important/helpful/positive/meaningful. Brooks is saying the country benefits from shared dreams (as symbolized by the anthem) even if it doesn’t always live up

Greatest slow baserunner ever. I’ve never seen someone take so many extra bases with so little footspeed.

Tennis is crazy underrated on this list. Basketball underrated as well. Pretty solid otherwise.

If the product is getting worse (and I actually agree that it is) it has nothing to do with younger players. It’s the coaching and the style of play. I don’t want to watch the same plays/formations over and over again in the hurry up. I don’t want the only running plays to be shotgun draws and pistol formation

I get your point, but I think a more charitable way to look at this is that moving to the NFL is a big adjustment for anyone, much less 20 year old kids, and there are a lot of pitfalls Harbaugh would like to help these players avoid. Does that help the Ravens? Yes. But I think that the player’s and team’s interests

Am I crazy or is that Andre Miller defending him?

Admittedly not a philanthropy expert, but the suggestion that you should give your money to the UN in order to avoid corruption and ensure that it will be spent well strikes me as hilarious.

I just think it’s a stupid form of protest. Sitting for the national anthem doesn’t persuade anyone and doesn’t draw positive attention to your cause. It’s kind of just a general middle finger to the country. He’s got every right to do that, but yeah, I think if he had done a thoughtful interview, article, spoke at a

I’m glad U of C is laying their cards on the table. They are making it clear to students what type of college experience they want to provide. If you want safe spaces and trigger warnings, there are plenty of other universities to choose from. But some of us think that you can fix problems and make progress by

Disagree. I love what U of C did. They are making it clear to students what type of college experience they want to provide. If you want safe spaces and trigger warnings, there are plenty of other universities to choose from. But some of us think that you can fix problems and make progress by allowing for free speech

Fuck this headline. I hate that I clicked on it. If I had three wishes, 2 of them would be to unclick this article, and the third would be wake up on November 9 so this could all be over with one way or another.

Of course the people who hacked her are the ones at fault and are assholes. But if you’re going to be really embarrassed if other people see a photo, it’s probably not the worst advice to say don’t take that photo. That doesn’t mean she’s not a victim. But celebrities in particular are targets, so again, not the worst

Why would they lie? The only motive I can imagine is they needed to make up an excuse for why they were out late, and so they invented a story about getting mugged. Doesn’t seem like they were asking to be compensated for the robbery or planning to sue somebody for damages. Why make up the story?

Counterpoint - The Silicon Valley/engineer types solve more problems in this country than any other group. Progress doesn’t come from tech? Spoken by someone who takes all the “innovation” you mock for granted. His point is some people talk about a problem (ex: there are no cabs in my neighborhood) but don’t do much

patriotic sports fandom is a not-so-distant cousin to poisonous nationalism

Nothing will change until people stop buying tickets. An $135M opening signals to movie studios that audiences want more of the same. Until people start punishing them for their lack of originality, they have no incentive to do anything different. This era won’t last forever, but if you ever wonder what future

These endorsements aren’t pulling her to the right. She’s didn’t make any policy concession to get Meg Whitman’s support; she’s only getting them because people can’t in good conscience back Trump. Everyone tacks to the center during the general election - that’s where the votes are. But Meg Whitman isn’t going to