
Man, I’d really love to know what Larry has to say about all of those roles! BY READING ABOUT IT IN AN ARTICLE.

Not even close...

Nah, the sub in this movie totally rocks:

I wonder that when this film shall be released if I will be crying tears of rage or be thinking twice about my choice to see it if I pledge my time to do so. They better get this thing done though - its not dark yet for Bob Dylan, but he’ll be knockin’ on heaven’s door soon.

Gaffigan did the same kind of light-touch, gentle, CBS-sanctioned mocking of horse racing before the Kentucky Derby. The racing world was up in arms, flinging self-serious op-eds and tweets as far as the eye can see. Same exact tone, same exact sniffy claims about it not being funny. Blah, blah. And I love horse

Wow, thank you! I know entire books have been written on Cuban food so it was a daunting task to distill it into something smaller. 

One slight clarifier: The Cuban Sandwich that originated in Tampa migrated first from Cuba, where it was called a mixto. (Literally meaning, it was a mixture of whatever ingredients were available.) The ingredients could include roast pork, ham, even turkey (before the ‘90s, turkey was a staple of the sandwich, but no

I just wanted to say, thank you for this article! You did a good job speaking to the nuances and didn’t fall prey to oversimplification, which would have been the easy out.

“Newhart then put his hand up to his ear like he was taking a phonecall and proceed to hold a non-existent conversation where we only got his side of things in a discussion about not much at all. This went on for a significant part of his set.”

Zach should look around him and understand that in 8-9 months, he’ll be selling out underground comedy shows like nothing ever happened.

The order denying Vivendi’s motion to dismiss was only two words: “Shit sandwich.”

I understand the point of this series is to find lesser known songs from a particular time period, but goddamn, that Top 20 list is pretty spectacular, too. I was listening to Casey Kasem’s Top 40 from July 1976 last week on Sirius, and fuck me if nearly every song hasn’t since become a classic.

Here’s an exclusive leaked photo of her droid.

Sometimes actors pretend to be things they’re not. It’s called acting.

“these English fans went to a pub in Stalingrad”

That’s what you say to really poor Fantastic Four cosplay.

Not sure I understand the adjective ‘tragic’ as used here. Vice Principals was mapped out from the outset and told the story it intended to tell in the space sought.

Oh, it’s absolutely a block. It’s also absolutely bogus it got reviewed.

*points gun *Spaceysissick*