
“Despite all his rage, Billy Corgan has matured with age”. Better title. Are you even trying, Title Guy?

I enjoyed his episode of Comedians in Cars, especially his tour of his art studio. It seems he’s really found peace in painting. What a great way to have lived - made millions happy through your comedy then retreating to your art studio and into your paintings. What a dream, and I wish him the best and a sincere

What dance does one do for Jesus? So many attractive options: the Macarena, the Chicken Dance, Pop-and-Lock...

Not sure if you believe in Jesus or not, but King David in the bible danced for the Lord, so it’s actually not as bewildering as you may think. I understand how at first it may sound, but it’s an expression of love and admiration.

off screen she is just so...boring

Even Mike Pence had to sit down in the middle of that singing of the anthem.

“As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be imperator.”

Of course, if Star Wars is “a series that’s been so fundamental to so many people of all walks of life,” that calls into question why the lack of diversity is a problem. I mean, if Kennedy wants to hire more women or non-white people to work on the franchise, that’s great, but it’s silly to act as though the

It’s easy. Perkins grade exclusively based a checkmark list of shoehorned woke-ness featured in the ep. Last weeks ep was bumped 2 letter grades becauase one of the cast members wore a #metoo shirt.

Look, the NFL is a sleazy organization and I hope that absolutely get demolished in this suit. That said, these are all very common defenses that get put into responsive pleadings. Most responsive pleadings take a kitchen sink approach to listing any possible defense that may be born out as the case progresses.

Is there any worse place to be hungover than IKEA?

Saban: Not to offend anybody, but I just noticed this Dasani water and this Coke are standing on opposite sides of this podium. I remember when I was a kid and they used to be friends. Come on, now, you two.

I thought he was the the cackling monkey lizard thing that sat on Jabba the Hutt’s tail.

Look, I bet we can work this all out if we just sit around in a circle and talk in a way that strongly implies we’re smoking weed.

To vore!

Oh fuck off with your “virtue signaling” right-wing shibboleth

I am the man credited on the film “9/11” as “Based on the Play ‘Elevator.’” My name is Patrick Carson, and I very much need to set the record straight as to my participation.