
Not defending the NFL, but these are all standard, boilerplate affirmative defenses that would be asserted by any defendant in employment litigation.

On the other hand, maybe this public/private split has always existed, and the only difference now is that there can be no plausible deniability for the “private” racism when it is recorded in black and white on an Instagram account, where in the past it was spoken and forgotten behind closed doors.

Hey everybody, remember when MTV showed music videos, as opposed to being America’s go-to source of peer-reviewed, scientific studies?

Is there any way to not look like a dork with those EarPods in?

What does he need to change to?

So he decided not to have surgery after they cut him?

Donald Trump is president. That’s pretty fucking crazy, isn’t it?

The internet was a mistake

And all the non-Daniel Craig Bond movies, apparently.

Speaking of conspiracies, not enough has been made of the fact that Trump’s daughter and son in law own 666 5th Avenue.

Better check into rehab, just to be sure.

I would like to preemptively apologize for everything I did in the past that no one paid attention to at the time, but looks really bad now in light of current events.

These Apple people give me a vaguely Scientologist kind of vibe.

1. Bernie is not a Democrat, so can’t take issue with her statement there.

Dear Mr. President, there are too many TV shows these days. Please eliminate three. I am NOT a crackpot.

That's why its taken them five years to get to the wall. They've been dragging these giant chains behind them the whole time.

Season 3 ended with a literal jump off a cliff.

I like it because it is 1) cheap and 2) you can get in and out quicker since the store is smaller than a normal supermarket.

Wait, it was in English?

Is that why half the dialogue was unintelligible?