
Maybe dumb question, but is there some central registry you can go to in order to make sure you are dealing with the actual rights holder?

[Additional reporting by Erik Adams.]

Yes, with God as my witness, this revisionist history regarding Garden State must end NOW!

Who does Zach Braff think he is to refuse to acknowledge the movie he directed and starred in is bad.

At first I thought the headline was Tituss Burgess to play a psychopath in I Hate Kids.

Pretty Kool Artist?

If he came to my burrito stand, I would definitely give him a bad wrap.

So much for the tolerant left. Greasy dickwads need hugs too.

I don't like these people.

Justice Sotomayor appeared on an episode of The Gong Show in 1979.

So is unlimited free speech still a good thing?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say these are all terrible people.

Putin has some serious plastic-surgery face going on.

Yeah, nitrogen narcosis is more like being drunk or high on weed.

Most people don't know that he cribbed most of the lyrics to Tangled Up in Blue from a 1968 episode of Green Acres.

Bill Cosby is like school on Saturday: disturbing as fuck.

It turned out those snooty upper-crust reality TV producers were in on it all along!

It really was. I thought season 2 was kind of mediocre, to the extent that I wasn't sure if I would even watch season 3, but season 3 has some "30 Rock in its prime" level of quality.

Why is she focusing on Alex Jones when she should be out there proving that Santa Claus is white?

Exactly. And feminist, social, political, etc. film criticism is not exactly a new thing.