
Yeah, I don't know that any school of criticism ever claimed that their manner of criticism amounts to "objective" determination of the value of the art they are critiquing.

Any we all know which ethnic group originated Cherry Chap-stik. Boy you don't want to get on those people's bad side.

That Encino Man reboot doesn't have a chance.

I mean, if you could, say, touch a breast as part of the kiss hello, then I think I could see the value in it a little better.

Given Bill's history, they couldn't connect the dots there?

She exclusively murders low level DNC staffers now.

Linda Tripp was kind of a shitty person, wasn't she?

Calvinism alive and well in the Republican party.

So I guess I have to subscribe to Starz now?

The only reasonable conclusion is that they are time travelers from some time between 1891 and 1911.

Are you saying you haven't been keeping up with the Kardashians?


The Supreme Court has roundly endorsed the "Locker Room Talk" exception to our nations sexual harassment laws.

I bet the Bee Gees are pissed.

Maybe finally with this reissue the album will get the critical acclaim it deserves.

You had your chance to move in for the kill, Ernst & Young, KPMG, and Deloitte, and you blew it!

It is proven that Trumpscratch is FAKE NEWS. Worse than Watergate!!!! Very evel (or sick) people!

His predecessor was a massively corrupt, drunken boob.

Its interesting that in certain portions of the internet, expressing revulsion for Schumer (and her latest special in particular) has become a signifier of belonging to a particular "team."

Literally insane.