
Don Pardo voiceover:

If this is the most white and evil thing imaginable, then we are doing a lot better than I thought.

Chris Pratt has a "I'm hiding her wine glass next time she turns around" look on his face throughout the video.

I had a feeling it was them!

Disclaimer: I am old.

You can tell they're cool because of the sunglasses.

But how would they fare in BARREL checkers?

Its missing someone walking in slow motion with the Kinks or David Bowie playing on the soundtrack.

Sounds like the My World of Flops column for this one will pretty much write itself.

Yeah, alright… seven thousand I'll charge him

The real question is whether the rhymes will be rugged and built like Schwarzenegger.

Great interview, as always.

Tried to watch Free State of Jones twice, fell asleep twice. I don't know if that says more about me or about the movie.

In the same vein of the Nick Offerman video, here's Brian Cox sitting in an easy chair pronouncing the names of 45 different single malt scotches:

I'm hoping for a reprise of his classic Mr. Belvedere Fan Club sketch.

I prefer Sister Minister.

I don't think I watched M2 once, but I really enjoyed this interview.

That's the problem with cases like this. Either he is a lying piece of shit rapist, or he is the victim of false accusations. There isn't really a middle ground between the two extremes.

You mean you don't think the Thomas Jane/John Travolta Punisher is the definitive take on the material?

Yes, and if I remember correctly, the early HBO previews for the Sopranos made it seem much more like a comedy than it was, presumably to try to cash in on the Analyze This bandwagon.