
Does anyone else:

But on Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel, nothing is out of bounds!

So I will just assume Scorsese has Gimme Shelter playing in the background 24/7 then.

I fully expect the new Ghostbusters to be bad, but I also think that a new Ghostbusters with Aykroyd, Murray, Hudson, etc. would be Blues Brothers 2000 level awful.

Question: I just read Chronicles, Vol. 1, and in there Dylan suggests that the songs from Blood on the Tracks are based on Chekhov's short stories. I, like everyone else, always assumed they were personal songs, like you said.

Prepare for 5,000 word thinkpiece on Jezebel condemning Trebek for failing to call out Louis for his crimes against humanity.

These people need to stop dying.

Yes, millennials are the true victims of widespread prejudice here.

Smoke on your pipe and put that in!

I was hoping for American Crime Story: The People vs.

I'm trying to imagine what the mechanics of that are.

I can't believe there are only 3 episodes left in the season!

Whats amazing is that if the timeline depicted on the show is accurate, F. Lee Bailey's original cross-examination, which set Fuhrman up so perfectly (forcing him to deny using the n-word), was set out before they even knew the tapes existed.

Its a wonder that they still know how to breatheā€¦

You mean The Darkman, The?

So much dumb internet ink being spilled on a trailer for the 95th half-assed remake of an 80s movie franchise.

That same old tired gag again?

Great interview, as always.


I, for one, never laughed at the Dancing Itos.