
But no stop in the North Country.

Someone's got it in for me… they're planting stories in the preeessss…

Yes that is in the movie (the post script says that the German athlete he befriended ended up getting drafted and killed in action in Italy). It also points out that Owens and the other black athletes were surprised when they found out the athlete dorms in Berlin were not segregated as they expected them to be, since

I agree, and think the piece is trying to read something into Race that is not really there. If it was a "rah rah USA" "Nazis are bad" movie, it would have ended with Owens' triumph in Berlin. Instead, it end with Owens still being forced to go in through the basement kitchen entrance to his own victory celebration

Isn't everything from Taco Bell just different combinations of the same 5 ingredients?

I watched every episode of this season, and enjoyed the alternate history aspect and attention to detail, but the three leads have to be the most dull main characters in recent memory.

So what did Americans call graffiti before they had the word graffiti?

Yeah, somehow half-assed plagiarism is even worse than straight plagiarism.

Come on man, you were supposed to die before you get old.

I kept waiting for the part where they blow up the chicken man in Philly, but it never came…

I don't doubt that there was plenty of racism there when he was growing up, but to say that south Tampa is a "really rough neighborhood" is a big stretch.

I like that the only scene in Hannibal with someone splashing around in a fountain is a guy engulfed in flames in a rolling wheelchair splashing into said fountain.

Wait, didn't it turn out that F. Murray Abraham was in cahoots with the terrorist guy at the end of the last season?


You can go back 35 years if you add Cheers to to the mix.

Pedantic, but is the plural "films noir" or "film noirs"?

Apparently trailers have been giving away the entire plot of the movie for a long time now.

"She sounds Sideous."

For some strange reason I always thought Dick Cavett was the grim reaper in Bill & Ted.

Is anyone else surprised he hasn't become Saul yet, one full season into it?