
his species can “sense the coming of death”

Or maybe just like, a magic horn or something.

Seriously. It’s the manifestation of that Simpsons joke where Lisa nags J.K. Rowling into saying the end of the series is “he grows up and marries YOU.”

That script was trope-tastic fan fiction. And also terrible.

The play from all accounts is one of the best put together and casted shows in the last few years.

I... uh... hope not. The script was a little underwhelming.

Even those of us who aren’t book readers knew Ned wasn’t going to last long. For fuck’s sake, you don’t hire Sean Bean to LIVE through a project.

When a journalist asks a question in an article (more specifically the title), the answer is usually no....

Avatar was fine, you know? Like, hey, that was a good movie. But it wasn’t Star Wars or Trek or even Firefly in terms of generating much excitement for me. I’ll likely see the sequels at some point, probably via rental rather than in the theaters. I can’t say they’re on the same level as The Last Jedi or even Infinity

Woo, Launchpad is back!

Honestly, I miss the days of just casting a younger actor who kind of looks like the older one. It requires some suspension of disbelief, but doesn’t take me out of the movie instantly like now.

I still don’t understand why those chose to use meh-looking CG for Beast instead of a kickass makeup and costume job.

The GOP seem to be living in the 1950's, so just be glad he wasn’t playing D&D or they’d think he was trying to summon a demon.

Ignoring the original canon? Check

Being a part of that very constituency, I’m now more intrigued by a candidate I had barely looked into.

I’m THRILLED to find out this is about my candidate from my district. I can’t thank the CLF enough for bringing this incredibly endearing trivia to my attention. I’ll be sharing this with all my friends to help them remain enthusiastic about voting in the special election. He’s One of Us.

Also, maybe I’m reading the article incorrectly, but didn’t she actually do the stuff she is saying she would never do?

It’s far-fetched, but her dad was in the communist party, and there’s enough shadiness about her immigration status when she first came over that I could see Moscow having helped her. Probably still not true but, like you said, an excellent movie plot point.

I have a personal theory too that she is a deep cover Putin agent who was sent to keep tabs on Donald Trump and groom him to be President. Sounds far-fetched, I know, but it makes one great spy story.