Question: as a fan, what would have been an acceptable percentage of tipping pitches? 10%? 15%? 20%?
Question: as a fan, what would have been an acceptable percentage of tipping pitches? 10%? 15%? 20%?
The last time a Ray Tip was this devastating, the world lost Steve Irwin.
This is a very underrated comment that won’t get the stars it ultimately deserves, and that makes me sad.
things would have gone differently if he just had thought a little harder about his glove placement.
Glasnow picked the worst possible time to adopt glasnost.
Browns never have a chance in Boston.
The quarterback was reportedly motivated by some “breathtaking” practices where Brown distinguished himself as someone “beyond anything Brady ever worked with.”
“beyond anything Brady ever worked with”
If you are that concerned with safety, don’t have fireworks or football at all.
They should have told the Kent State administration to fuck off and kept playing. I mean, what are they gonna do about it, call in the National Guard?
Terrell Owens had what, 136 yards receiving playing on a broken leg in the Super Bowl? When he had every right to sit out and protect his future, he played on a fucking broken leg. Yeah, all about him.
Yes, an objection over here. This sort of celebrity worship is what got us into this mess. Please stop it.
His son could tell you that unhealthy scratches are worse.
1) Can we have John and Chrissy be the new first couple until Trump is out of office? Any objections?
2) Trump is neither a pussy nor a bitch. Pussies are tough, they really take a pounding. And bitches get things done. Trump is a flaccid penis.
It reeked of fake tough guy “respect my authority” bullshit that was perfectly on brand for an ego maniac like Mayock.
At least have some decorum for the office; That’s PPABOTUS, thank you very much!
Gruden saying “Please stop this shit” was just him trying to get the sewage leak fixed at the Coliseum.
If the Raiders did want to drag this out, they could maybe look into the fact that California is a two-party consent state,
In general, I’m a pacifist. Nazis, though? Smash ‘em to bits.