Blac Tryna
Blac Tryna
I still don’t understand why my parents didn’t abort me when I was a teenager.
The Hangover Part 4
a walking New York Times hateread
I’m going to have it surgically fused to my brain. I’m even willing to go bankrupt if my insurance won’t cover it.
Does it get more cuddly than “not rabid”?
Can you please do your fucking job and finish.
I only go to KFC when I don’t feel like driving to the nearest Popeye’s.
He’s never met a contested leaner he didn’t want to kiss on the mouth
You think?
Holy shit. I haven’t heard this song in 20 years.
Reminds me of this:
Most people do. I’ve had sneezes that lasted longer.
No love for American Gangster?
A ginormous opportunity was missed. He should have called the album “Tea”.
This wouldn’t be the first time a basketball player’s jealous brother threw him under the boat.
And this is the best-case scenario in the implementation of a two-state solution.
Which is better: Mood Muzik 2 or Mood Muzik 3? Each has pros and cons, IMO.
This caper was made more difficult by the players’ decision not to wait until Sunday morning to try this.