
I was a relatively early fan of Schumer but girlfriend is not holding up to the scrutiny of fame. Own your shit or step away. This is embarrassing.

Jesus, those vocals on TayTay are pretty dire.

Susan Gurney is clearly an ignorant self-hater. Women experience cognitive decline after 55, but magical men don’t? Makes sense, so let’s put a man who is 2 years older than the woman running) in office. And the thing about the way they speak? Whaaaat? She hears rationality, intelligence, and coherence when Trump

He has such high regards for the sanctity of marriage that he did it three times! That’s three times more regard than someone who is only married once! Did I get this right, Kellyanne?

Are we absolutely certain that he knows he’s debating Clinton and not Obama?

This is kinda like that time my ex brought my ex best friend that he fucked while we were married as his date to a wedding where we were both mutual guests. But worse?

Trebek being a Canadian is just a rumour, you guys. It’s not true.

I missed Darius in the last episode because this show does eccentric so fantastically. But they sure made up for the lack of weirdness in this episode. I love the Trans-racial guy trying to “be white” by instigating the police on someone and wearing a thick, brown belt. (I didn’t even realize that thick, brown belts

I only know who he is from watching Joel McHale make fun of him.

Sounds more like National Treasure 3 IMO.

All Shoulders Matter.

I don’t know. As far as I’m concerned, there’s only one person that can play Jackie Jormp-Jomp...

You beat me to it.

I’ll get back to you on that...

And therein lies the beauty of diverse-perspectives. Turns out black people (or black women, specifically) are not a monolith. As such, some of us will relate to/love this show, and others will not! I love everything Issa Rae does. This show is my jam, and I find it relatable. I also have a potty mouth. This Black

Yet the dominant culture does it to each other. Friends call each other names and while you might be able to argue about the types of words (note: they used nigga not nigger which is what the “n” word is, it’s worth noting they are used differently regardless of your personal feelings towards either word) perhaps you

You sound like you got issues with forms of Blackness that don’t conform to your ideal...which frankly seems to be influenced by white supremacy. Nothing they did outside of the white gaze seemed’re projecting. Also who cares what white people think we do? Under their lens everything we do is bad if

And that is her experience, and I respect that. But also as a black woman they way I act in front of white people is completely different from how I act in front of black people sooo *shrug* 

Guys. Guys? Guys.

i wonder if they have any people of color working at the store