
You came to Jezebel to whine about lopsided debate coverage? No one is here for that. Just like no one goes to Fox News hoping to see Hillary get a fair shake. If you want a news source without a point of view, go hang out with the folks on C-Span.

It’s clearly because he was meant for me and this is the universe’s reward to me for loving him since Scream in 1996.

I dunno, the “maybe don’t take our children into a war zone where even UN convoys are bombed” is not that bad a tack . . .

And cue the absence of what would seem to be the required cognitive dissonance from Mr. Gaetz.

You’re being really presumptuous by assuming that this man is mentally ill. Some people are just plain weird, with no mental illness.

Of course its mocking, its fucking WEIRD and creepy. Sure there are “all kinds of people” out there. Doesn’t mean they’re absolved of being judged for bizarre abnormal behavior.

Psshhh, headphones were invented for a reason. No need to wait until the weekend when I can get paid to watch this at work. Thanks for the heads up, Bobby!

Oh my sorry. I didn’t realize that being half white makes you not black. Someon really shoulda told Frederick Douglass’s former slave master. And being raised abroad doesn’t make you black? 31 years in I find out I’m not black! Wonder of wonders!

. . . And?

I’m planning to watch simply because this girl is so beautiful. That face has been haunting me in the subway for weeks, and I’m here for it!

Even if the records were unsealed and showed that he beat her daily with an iron rod, it wouldn’t change how his supporters feel about him, unfortunately.

Isn’t it crazy how you can disagree with one thing a person puts out there but still like them overall?

It was fucked up but that gal does not need security. She is a BOSS. She elbowed that fucker in the face and went after him like, “WHAT NOW, BITCH??”

Sometimes marriages are just done and it’s not a third party’s fault. Unpopular opinion, I realize.

Both very admirable, but someone looking more like me would have been appreciated as well.

Just like all those police that said Laquan McDonald rushed them?

“So cleansing!” It made me genuinely lol. She’s doing a good job playing so nice you hate her, but genuinely frustrated and possible unhappy underneath.

I’ll watch Kristin Bell in anything all day, every day. That said it’s not surprising I really enjoyed the premiere and I’m looking forward to more! It has a real Pushing Daisies vibe, with the saturated color and the quirkiness. Bell and Danson are great but shout out to the woman playing the talkative neighbor in

24 hours doesn’t seem like an alarmingly long time to stay inside. My neighbors would be calling the police on me during every Law & Order marathon