
The old police chief was black and featured on Wyatt Cenac’s show and at the time stated how important treating his jurisdiction as a community was to him.

Also, tell that to the black soccer players who have bananas thrown at them in Europe.

Lot of good that did.

Um....I would have preferred a warning before seeing mutilated bodies and severed heads. A link would’ve sufficed.

any word on Kelly actually being her sister. I’ve always heard rumors that it was known in the business, but they never came out publicly to say it.

Yeah, I think they were late to check in their bags and assumed that since American wouldn’t let them check their baggage on that flight that leaving someone behind would get the job done.

so much this, I had a friend who was an ardent Bernie supporter up until the day after election when he’s end me and another female friend a “sending love in this crazy time” text, don’t need your love I definitely needed u to note vote Jill stein in Florida. I still haven’t responded to him.

I don't think so, her albums are actually really good. If anything having beyonce as a sister provides a hindrance bc people underestimate her talent.

Yep, they had to run and sing at the same time. It worked out in the end.

I can’t contend with the harassment of the victim after the fact. Apparently during all of this he and Celestin (who do-wrote the film?!) harassed this poor girl until she felt hot ended to drop out of school and had two auicide attempts. I have no clue what to do in this situation. I know that I am repulsed by Parker

every single time i saw this video, i thought “it’s nice a homeless guy got a record deal” or something along those lines. i didn’t even recognize him as the bike rider when he came back out a few years later.

I assumed fitness model because her shoulders, looked toned in that mugshot. why would she confess? It's innocent until proven guilty, I have a few lawyer friends and they all say the same thing, if you're arrested ask for a lawyer then keep your mouth shut.

So yeah, in high school my main claim to fame was that I was featured in a Ms. Cleo commercial. It was two days work in Miami, that I got paid like $150 for. My cousins also came along and were brought to the stage where me. Cleo “talked” with my deAd uncle (who was still alive and passed away 10 years later) she was

And (hopefully) fake tattoos with my initial in a heart are de rigeur for any new relationship I’m in. I think Swift has finally found someone as thirsty as her. Hiddleston is practically dehydrated.

Why is a computer reciting th news? Was the video automatically put together by a computer program? Very weird.

Me too, I listened to the police chief’s speech and the fact that he needed to call in chaplains to counsel the officers and people in the neighborhood shows that it really affected them. I wish the 7 year old and the father well, I hope they get the support and counseling they need to get through this time.

I don't take murder lightly, but for piece of mind she probably should've aimed higher.

I did until the news broke about he and Taylor

I def feel bad for her husband...what are the odds he can watch captain America or any avengers movie now?

Though to be fair, aside from Mae, Bobby and hunter were my favorite characters...I hope the spin off is good.