
I kind of like this idea, except I want to point out that nobody ever says this about Woody Allen movies, and those are just meaningless romps about white people having age-inappropriate relationships. I’m not defending Parker or his film, just pointing out the double standard.

Rachel, I’d like to take a minute to say thank you for pretty much the only accurate description I’ve seen of daraprim’s function in all the coverage of this jackass.

I kind of read the exact opposite from this statement. It feels like Alexis’s brother was being very careful in his use of language and was very respectful of Alexis’s preferences/wishes.

Dude, 80 degrees in NYC is not mild temperatures, and she’s wearing a full suit, body armor, and probably shapewear.

I’m reminded that nearly naked, young healthy models were dropping like flies after standing in the heat at Kayne’s show this week. She’s wearing a full freaking suit. It’s hot. She got overheated. Clearly she has a fatal disease and is too ill to serve.

“But I hate you.”

You should. As much as I hated to see Deadwood getting canceled, I just loved Justified. Quite a lot of the Deadwood cast on that show as well. Margo Martindale’s character was downright scary. She was the matriarch of some backwoods drug outfit and she ran the place like a mixture of Tony Soprano and Don Vito

Divorce may be a TV show but Love is a Battlefield.

It’s an electronic music show, people are going to dance. It might be annoying if you’re behind someone dancing and you’re sitting, but it is perfectly in their right to dance and it’s one of those moments you need to just be an adult and deal with. It’s totally uncalled for to tell someone to stop dancing at a

Have you never been to a concert? It's not exactly uncommon for people to stand instead of sit.

My fourteen-year-old self totally had a very PG-13 sexual fantasy about this exact situation! Obviously, if I got stuck on a cable car with my crush overnight, we would have to snuggle up inside a single coat to stay warm and then we would make out a lot. I hope that someone is at least getting a steamy make out

I’m going to cry the day they leave. Please PLEASE dont leave us with the crazies that we’re getting now. WE NEED YOU STILL!

I literally once bought shape wear from target that looks exactly like the stuff in the 3rd pic, except mine wasn’t see through like that.

“she was told she couldnt purchase 50 million Outback cards at once and then threw a fit and was told to leave.” Oh, is that what happened?

Oh Jesus, every time something racist happens some dipshit has to share their opinion.

Young, attractive, rich people are having sex?


Oh my gosh, 3 months of dating is almost like no time at all if you’re not famous. You’re dating just long enough to discover the other person doesn’t like cheese on their hamburgers and GIRL THAT IS WHEN YOU KNOW IT IS OVER.

Except for these specific heels are the same color pallet and the Brother Vellies brand is very on trend and Zara is obviously copying it to cash in on it. It’s also the 298347928374983274982374 time that Zara is ripped off or copied designs without permission. They’re also a garbage, racist company.

Heinrich had previously pleaded guilty to 25 federal child pornography charges, but denied any involvement in Wetterling’s disappearance.