
Yeah, speaking as a person who always comes up with the great comeback about two hours post-incident, I would like some of those skills, please.

“Breast implants” does not equal “curvy”, Taylor.

Her family should sue him for wrongful death

“Blah blah blah artisinal blah blah cat blah blah cookies” -Taylor

Two things about the Taylor Swift item. She looks better when she’s not trying to look the best. And that big juror in the blue polo isn’t giving any fucks about who she is.

Since you asked and only since, as it is not in my nature to be forward with my thoughts on others... Let me frame for you what a third party might observe:

I never said you couldn’t express your opinion, I’m just letting you know no one cares about it. Someone had to, might as well be me.

That’s nice, but nobody cares.

Kanye new Deraliq line?

“This is not something that I am going to run by anybody,” he said. “I am not looking for approval. I have to stand up for people that are oppressed. ... If they take football away, my endorsements from me, I know that I stood up for what is right.”

I would probably show Usain Bolt my tits if I got to wear a gold medal for a little while.

But I opened it soooo sloowwwwly so she would see it coming and say something or, I don’t know, hold it shut! SOME INDICATION A HUMAN WAS IN THERE.

Fucking Obama again!

imagine taking two seconds to read about what actually happened

Counterpoint: the Elon story is A++++++!!!

Ironically, rich women have always had access to abortion. Almost all restrictive abortion legislation disproportionately effects low-income women’s ability to terminate pregnancy.

Also because Fox Searchlight decided to try to “get ahead” of the story by seeking out a very sympathetic interview with Deadline. Who knows how things might have gone down had they not brought the way his past might hamper the movie’s potential success. Their efforts to control the narrative really backfired.

Agreed. Ugh, this leaves a horrible taste in my mouth. This woman’s argument is all about how they all feel together, they know how they all feel, feel feel feel all the fucking feels. Yet, not once does this trick even bother to think about how Semenya feels. That her very fucking existence is being challenged,

Taking Caster out doesn’t get you a medal, but thanks for being a sore loser, Lynz.

Having respect for transgender people and also believing Kaitlin Jenner may be a phony are not mutually exclusive points of view.