
It was a longstanding record, and she had to overcome many of life’s hurdles to break it.

Just a reminder that back in ‘08, when Obama picked Biden, everyone was like “That boring old white dude?” And now we’re all like UNCLE JOE PLEASE DON’T LEAVE US.

To unpack it further, how many minority identities must one actor be responsible for representing? Why not make Spock gay? Or Scotty himself? I like Simon Pegg (Heh. Pegg. Get it?) a lot and while I appreciate the effort to diversify and be more inclusive, it seems like too much to cram into a single character, which

I’m laughing at how shameless it is. White people sure do love stealing from Black people, huh?

She also Rick Rolled the audience:

Big fan of your Mom right now.

I met him when I was 16!!! Fuuuck me the man is INSANELY GORGEOUS in person. His face, his eyes, his height his everything. It was at a screening of a movie he did and I asked a question; afterwards when we met, he touched my arm and said, “That was a great question, btw. Most people get really nervous and that was

People who are lactose intolerant or just plain wrong.

I KNEW she lied. I love Kanye but he doesn't have enough shame to bother to lie about this.

“Thought she was being overdramatic”.

How many raises have legislators received while these tests languished for untold years?

Yes. What she did was wrong, but it wasn’t lazy in the sense she’s talking about. And she was punished for what she did and accepted her punishment gracefully, so even if it were related to what she was talking about, it still wouldn’t be hypocritical.

1. The Lynx are the fucking shit. They might as well set up a guest dorm for them in the White House because they’re down there visiting so often. They make shit money, yet they’re the only ones winning anything around here, and they’ve got twice the grace and dignity of any of the dude pro players. GO LYNX.

If only one of those security guards had been wearing a good t-shirt to stop the bad t-shirts!

Cops are not doing themselves any favors by refusing to acknowledge the that they should be held accountable for their actions on the job, like the rest of us. Sorry (sarcasm), y’all don’t get to kill black people with impunity. Getting this angry at the “Black Lives Matter” movement just makes it seem like cops think

Dude. She served her time years ago. She did it without fuss or complaint and apparently was a model prisoner. There’s plenty of other stuff to criticize her for.

So people who disagree with police brutality do not deserve police protection? Way to demonstrate that “few bad apples" theory.

Remember, this is the same police union that accused the mayor of Minneapolis of throwing gang symbols.

The shirt even had the Dallas PD emblem in support of them and the players talked about how good the Dallas PD was, and those four assholes were still so emotionally traumatized they walked off and made snarky comments later?