
As a mom i identified with the mother as soon as i saw the video. I know that calm. I was pulled over by a police officer who did not want to let me go. He kept coming back to my car asking more questions. I did not have nor was i on any drugs or alcohol. License, reg, insurance in check. I even had a gold card from

It doesn’t matter what she would have done. If she had been hysterical they would have said she was putting on a show for the cameras.

When you’ve got a preconceived notion of how something is supposed to play out, suddenly everything looks ‘fishy’.

I am not feelin’ that yellow dress... I also think, after looking at the majority of the men pictured, that it’s about time for women to start showing up to red carpet events looking like they just got out of bed and had to throw some shit together quickly too.

the coins from the trevi fountain are collected at night and the funds are used to support low-cost supermarkets for people in need

I don’t think it’s a new universe so much as the timeline diverged and was altered at a certain point in time.

Once again confirming that I, a person whose ancestors were brought to U.S. shores 200+ years ago—long before the immigrant ancestors of many a white person—am still not a “Real American” with the rights of full citizenship. Thanks, Joe Walsh, for reminding me.

She means the cops.

Philandro told them he was carrying a legal gun, they told him to get his ID, so he reaches down to get it and gets shot four fucking times! The man had done everything society asks of him and led an exemplary life and he still gets shot to death because a white officer saw him as nothing more than a thug because

I was holding it together until this. Fuck.

I’ve already seen it said that they couple “must have been doing something illegal” because the girlfriend didn’t seem that upset that he got shot initially. Guess they’ve never heard of shock before.

Black folk, it is okay to take a mental health day from reading this stuff. I have to today or I’ll rage stroke and cry in a corner. I’m tired. I’m tired of being tired. And I am tired of indifference from anyone who calls themselves allies.

No record, no mugshot, no criminal past, legally permitted weapon, complete cooperation, all on video.

Yea and how you’re forced to have the same convo again and again. “Are you excited” “Omg so excited! Chubby cheeks and little shoes! I love them already!” and God forbid you say “not yet, I’m actually terrified and don’t feel any emotional connection yet”. It’s not so much being pregnant in public as being forced to

“The mother” is the speaker’s own daughter? Brrrrrrrrr.

“Goodies” was such a great song when I was right out of high school. That’s about all I know. She’s super pretty though. I really liked her on I Can Do That.

Ciara and Russell have been engaged for like 9372791 years, I want them to get down that isle quick so this can happen:

I’m sorry but if you’re going to follow someone like that you should expect some light elbowing. I don’t blame celebrities for having tough security at all, fans can be crazy as fuck.

I didn’t like him at all until Deadpool, but he nailed it and with much joie de vivre. Sadly, married a racist and consented to antebellum wedding theme which is never a good look.

Yeah, I’ve often come in early, left late, worked for an “underling.” Since my job is largely stationary and theirs are on the floor, I’ve even let them park their kids in my office, where I’d get them to start their homework and wait for dad/grandma/babysitter to pick them up. Last week, I had a mildly ill kid (sent

I don’t know how she can do it with Karlie STANDING RIGHT THERE.