
It wasn’t for you. She wasn’t talking to you. It wasn’t about you. Also, no one cares.

Who says art can’t be self-indulgent though? And every assumes it’s about Jay...who is to say it’s not all on him?

Oh god she’s one of THOSE. I had the misfortune of having to deal with one of those - “I respect your family sooooooo much, and you yelling at me about sleeping with your man was just totally unacceptable” nose-in-the-air insincere dumb nightmare narcissists (and since she’s stalked me on Jez before - hey girl!).

Oh, Rach. You might respect “love, marriages, families and strength,” but you sure don’t value them more than your social media presence.

...No. If Philip Roth was allowed to write the same fucking story over and over, about boring, ruthless men on navel-gazing quests for sexual fulfillment — and win prizes for it — and be called one of the greatest writers of his generation — I think we as a culture can afford Beyoncé space to take what is personal to h

Someone should give her some Lemonade.

Of course you can be! But equating them is a little bit unfair. Beyonce was in a marriage: she didn’t involve “herself” in this infidelity drama, she is expressing what happened to her marriage.

I thought Sleepy Hollow was amazing for its first season. It had its highest ratings then and aired at a good time. Fox somehow took how it did as a reason to shift showrunners, air time, and even get involved in trying to make the show more episodic. THIS...right here...”show more episodic”...this is when Fox lost me

What the heck is up with tv this season?

I’m a 100% Team Ripa here. Kelly is an amazing host and she has kept LIVE going for almost two decades. She put up with Regis’s rude, hungover ass forgetting guest names and generally being a wang. She is perky and happy and engaged in 6" heels every motherfucking day, and she can cohost with virtually anyone.

I like knowing who the Piece of Shit of the Day award goes to before 9am; thanks Jez!

I think that’s how you unfriend too. It’s not specified if the caller was a friend of the victim but it’s sure a great way to unfriend someone you know who’s recording 10 minutes of rape.

Them? They’re engaged!

Hope she doesn’t wind up with a shmexually shmansmitted shmisease.

Sure, there are other options (and thank you for the compliment), but it’s just such a shameful thing.

The criticism I always here of her is that she’s making the same movie over and over. As if Adam Sandler, Will Ferrell and every other male comedian ever didn’t do that exact same thing.

she was intellectually pretty much my equal.

I just love it when, after a lifetime of searching, a person finds their porpoise in life.

It's the "what's your excuse" with the assumption that this person is my ideal and if only my fatass would PUT DOWN THE DORITOS and lunge my way through the grocery store, I, too, could achieve that level of perfection. Yes, I want to be thinner. I also want to be less tired, so I choose naps.