
Evan Huang is my favorite person on TV or maybe ever.

I liked Trophy Wife and was sad when it was cancelled.

The kids on Blackish are the greatest actors on tv right now, they are killing it.

As a biracial woman, works that examine this sort of thing always interest me when they’re done by people who know what the hell they’re talking about. So, pretty much anyone other than Rachel Dolezel, who has never been caught between a race or culture or ethnicity or anything else. Bitch, you ARE white. You

“I don’t know what you’re referring to with that” lmao I cannot stand this bish but I 100% respect her commitment

*begins to type. Sighs. Backs away from keyboard*

Bobby, I heard Megan hooked up with Jon Lovitz. Younger women love him and has a big stick.

Taraji really made Person of Interest different from your average white guy bromance procedural, which is what they tried marketing the show as. And so I loved Carter, she was the best. And her death absolutely GUTTED me. I watched one episode after that and I was like, nopenopenope, and didn’t return.

Because Beharie was The Lead character from the beginning of the marketing of the show. And all throughout S1, Crane was Abbie’s sidekick. The end of S1 and a huge change-up in the cast led to a large number of POC characters being sidelined and eliminated. Then S2 happened and rumors began that Beharie was deeply

It’s been about three weeks now, but this made me think of Bobbi and Hunter’s departure on Agents of SHIELD. Granted, killing these two wasn’t an option since they were departing for a spin-off...

They’ve done it twice now! But I’m guessing they’ll just bring over Earth-2's Black Canary... who they will kill off in 2 seasons.

Revision: that actress should be in way, way more things that I want to watch.

Hey look everybody, it’s THAT GUY!

And they did it because they gave us a grave in the opening season and had to put somebody in it. Not any real reason beyond writing that scene and forgetting to fill it. You could see them realizing that “Oh shit, if we’re gonna kill Laurel off I guess we should do something with her, I guess.” So the last few

Of major characters, none that set any fandoms on fire that I noticed. Also, given the much smaller number of main female characters on TV, you could argue (and many will) that killing off a major leading woman on a show has greater significance when discussing these things than does a male. I know you’re probably

About 3 weeks ago on The Walking Dead, but still. Yeah, Denise was a “secondary” character, but she was just getting into the groove in her relationship with Tara - and becoming more interesting...and bam! An arrow to the eye...

Counterpoint: She is a professional entertainer, and this entertained me.

I included the Top R&B Artist category (when she tells Ludacris she’s going to let him take it) in the clip, because it sort of reads to me like she got confused and thought Top Rap Artist would be next?

Weird how they couldn’t put a statue of Jackie up without Reese there to make us whites feel “I guess we weren’t all bad back then!”.