That Guy

As That Guy, I can’t allow you to be That Guy who says stretching doesn’t do anything. After I finished training for my first marathon last year (remember: I’m That Guy) I ended up getting hurt because my IT band was strung tighter than a banjo string. Three months of PT and yoga stretches got it back into shape and I

Dick Cass? Dick Cass?!?!?

My main takeaway from this is that Ben is completely full of shit. 

I can assure you that I have zero faith in humanity.

I’m just trying to imagine the look on the police officer’s face when he shows up to arrest him and realizes that it’s Charles fucking Oakley.


Pictured: World class doofus-hunter, Strickland.

Depends solely on context. I am 40 years old and I live in Kansas City. It took decades to eventually concede to it, but I had finally made peace with the fact that I’d never be able to celebrate a major championship in my life. Sure, I guess I had the ‘85 Royals, but being a 7-year-old when it happened means I have

Man, smoking a little weed before watching this was a bad decision.

As a Rolex wearer and a normal dick haver, I take issue with your example. Rolex doesn’t make anything larger than a 42mm watch, and unless you’re buying the Floyd Mayweather special, they’re actually pretty subdued.

Now, those comically oversized cheap(ish) Invicta watches that fat, sunburned 43 year old dudes buy at

I’ve read this story three times and I still can’t figure out what the fuck is going on. I’m just going to assume that all three of these people are probably assholes.

Twenty five years ago I would spend hours in my yard, hammering golf balls with a souvenir baseball bat and pretending I was Mark McGwire.

This was the kind of shit I could daydream about instead of worrying about what day we were going to be doing active-shooter drills at school. Fuck the world, man.


Kevin Harlan is just the best. He could make my 6-year-old’s T-ball game sound interesting.

New Orleans has beignets, grilled oysters and all the live music you could ever imagine. Minnesota has lutefisk and seven months of winter.

I put a lot of thought in before I decide whether I’m going to look at images like this—don’t want to make a snap decision.

We bought a chess set for our boys for Christmas, with a fun book that taught the them how to play and how all the pieces moved. None of us—my wife included—have ever played chess before so it’s been interesting to all learn together and see how our brains process the information, being that we’re all different ages

Same school. The undergrad program incorporated a working newspaper and TV station.