
Right? Like, how is that a bad thing in ANY way if it could happen (beyond the obvious as to what caused the need in the first place).

I’m thinking I need to pick up some essentials to offset whatever the bigots aren’t buying. Although I’m guessing most of them aren’t actually really makeup consumers. And YES. The Cheek Heat blush= <3 Also their Dream Radiant Liquid foundation is my favorite. This all makes me want to check out whichever of their

Having a pet emu sounds delightful! Like having a demented Muppet bird as a pet. They seem expensive, though. 

Yeah, I feel like he was 100% going to do something horrible to you. But I agree with others, he likely got spooked when he realized you were expected somewhere. Or when you talked about giving a class for kids, it humanized you more in his eyes and made you seem less like a random woman to harm. 

Going back to read the older stories, because I don’t see any sign that we’re doing it this year? I know inevitably some of the stories will be made up. Some will be repeats. Whatever. We need this. 

I agree 100%. 

This is my concern. If they’re so concerned with the “unborn,” how long does it take before they start in on the “preconceived children,” and mandate pregnancies? 

Now bring back the potato soft taco, you cowards!” But the spicy potato soft taco IS back. They took it away for a while and then brought it back... I order some every time I go. 

I hope you’re just super young and will eventually grow to the point where you have more self awareness and less anger. 

Since SorryMissTwerk;P decided to hide my reply, I’m just going to copy and paste it as a new comment here, because I think it’s important to say something when someone comes along clutching their pearls and braying about how IT’S NOT HEALTHY as though they were just a nice person concerned about what’s healthy for

Yeah. You’re one of them, at least.

Yeah, they dismissed my comment, also. 

I don’t really see anything that suggests in any way that this article is promoting the idea that obesity is healthy or unhealthy, or that obesity is being celebrated here. The impression I get from your comments is that you, as so many others do, reduce these women their bodies. As if they are obese and that’s all

My argument is based on an understanding of the broad nature of art, not a “nice” opinion based on how I “feel.” You seem to have a very stunted view of art, and seem to only be able to recognize the value in art that you’ve been told (by society, by the market, etc... ) has value. I despise gatekeeping in art, and

Oh yeah, I’m not even considering the issue of whether or not Beyonce makes her own art or not here. I mean in the general sense, if a person makes art, they are an artist. Gatekeeping art rankles me. 

Yes, anyone can be an artist. And yes, any instance of human creativity is art. It is the expression in the work, not the mechanical process that someone has decided makes something art. Saying that doesn’t “cheapen” art in any way. For art to be part of the universal human experience doesn’t make it cheap or lesser

It’s just a really sad, capitalistic way of thinking to think of something as huge and universally human as art in terms of being a profession with a set of rules, such as doctors have (I hesitate to say chefs since cooking can be a form of creative expression), that you have to train for and make money from before

That’s the stupidest thing I’ve heard all day. 

If a person makes art, they are an artist. It may not be art *you* enjoy, it may not be made with skill, it may not be art that makes money. You don't have to be a professional artist to be an artist.

They sentenced her to four years in prison for using meth? That’s still pretty barbaric.