
It’s a one shot PR event. Personally, I doubt if Adida will even produce any of these shoes. They've already gotten 90% of the PR value out of it...which was the initial goal.

No, That is why there is a semi colon. Plus, the entire shoe is not made from ocean waste, just the upper portion. In fact, I’m not sure the nets used could be called ocean waste, maybe not even waste at all. Apparently the nets were retrieved from the ocean via a Sea Shepard operation that spent 3 months trailing a

I don’t think people read the article. These things are made from abandoned deep sea nets, not the plastic bottles and bags that make up most of ocean garbage.

I was kind of hoping this and the Japanese rocket would fail and they would decide to shut down the useless white elephant ISS program.

Lay off the sauce.

How did you get “bible thumper” out of that”?

Follow your nose.

It’s already been done. Landing on the comet (although both the USA and Japan have landed on asteroids) and taking subsurface samples has not. Making a radiograph survey of the entire interior has not. Those were the two most important experiments to be conducted and probably comprised at least 60% of the scientific

Well, if you consider taking pictures and taking readings from orbit, things already done on several asteroids, as critical. The most important work, sampling the surface atmosphere taking readings and conducting experiments from there, digging for subsurface samples to determine if they contain any building blocks of

Deadspin at its finest.

C’mon, don’t ruin io9s buzz as they fervently try to apply lipstick to this pig with a spackle knife.

This one will be fun, got my popcorn popping already.

No, I expect the people we pay billions to conduct space exploration to not depend on three ten dollar spring loaded pins and one jiggy harpoon that together had an expected failure rate of 80%.

Do you believe the comet has a liquid water core?

It’s the truth. Since Philae slammed into the comet, as expected, the ESA has been doing the Texas two step putting lipstick on this pig trying to find a way to make this mission appear successful to the drooling fanboys..which isn’t really that high of a hurdle.

Well, if it’s men it’s a feminist fantasy and if it’s women it’s a disgusting, sexist, misogynistic exploitation turning women into sex objects.

Personally, as a taxpayer I prefer paying for science that has a shot at being successful or relevant.

It was a disaster waiting to happen. 80% of the important mission objectives involved Philae. Now they’re reduced to taking photographs and reproducing science that has already been established from studying asteroids.

And I thought it was because women aren’t good with numbers...

It's not news, it's the best the ESA can do from their catastrophically disastrous 2 billion dollar white elephant.