
He grabbed her arm...First Contact.

Not his bitch.

They grow rather slowly.

“The ISS is one of those rare things that can remind us that people can work together regardless of the political situations where we come from.”


Which only proves how much they lie to us On a day to day basis.

Does anyone have manifest of this shipment before and after the SX debacle? I'd like to see what was jettisoned to make way for the supplies SX failed to deliver.

Evidently, space is too hard.

The Big Brother department of NASA is well funded.

I’m glad you posted pics since no American will be seeing the inside of it for quite some time.

NASA learned long ago it had to become a hyperbolic PR marketing machine if it wanted to continue paying its 40,000 employees on time.

NASA is never short of pie in the sky programs they want to throw someone else's money at.

Hilarious. The number three reason captain kirkroids offer for the critical necessity of the space program...”eventually, due to the population bomb, we will need to move billions of people to Mars...if humanity is going to survive.”

NASA submits a budget to the president.

Yes, at 1000 times the cost it would take to develop them at ground zero.

Obviously you are unfamiliar with nASAs budgeting process.

That was an unexplained paradox.

Hoverboards didn't show up until the sequel?

No, so we can take the 5 billion a year and commit it to additional non manned missions and to develop space robot technology that will inevitably take the place of humans on long term mission deployments.

The more I read about this the more bullshit piles up. The tops are not made from “ocean waste” they are made entirely of nets confiscated and retrieved from an alleged illegal poaching ship that eventually was scuttled by the crew.