
“and pray to a higher power of choice that tonight’s launch is a success”

Liftoff is at 12:55AM EST.

Seems like a lot of work to go through just to have it removed by the Parks Department.

Many years ago I lost my first baby to SIDS. This was a couple weeks after her first round of vaccinations. A person pointed this connection out to me shortly after the funeral. I hit that person in the face.

I don’t know... How much does that barge cost again?

no kidding. although, it didn’t technically land

Going to disagree , Killjoy for me is terrible, the brothers bland and female ninja assassin cliche on cheap sets and world building where they refer to the bad guys as the “The Company” makes it the worst of both shows IMO, not that I think either shows are great mind you.

Knowing Musk, it was probably insured, by the taxpayers, at twice the cost.

Even Seriouser Question: Is there another sport where the self-proclaimed best team whines about having to play another good team?

This explains why they’re crashing (“it’s hard thing to do”), but fails to explain why it’s such a vital goal, (“cuz it’s the super-cool image of sci-fi!”). You’d be better served by physics to build a giant catcher’s-glove/water-bed and land it on its side.

Yet so many people who believe in multiple universes for which no evidence exists, and have no trouble funding “research” (thinking about something that might exist but for which there is no evidence) have no qualms with mocking people over religious beliefs.

So what? How does such a theory help/be relevant/ useful to us in the least? We can theorize that there is a universe where unicorns are running Congress and legislations are passing left and right...BFD.

The Batman is probably the best title since The Dark Knight, because he isn’t Batman, he’s THE Batman.

I think the chances that this is a publicity stunt are much higher than the chance that they just happened to get a working hoverboard figured out in the same year BTTF II took place.

Interesting that these strong, empowered females ended up returning back to what evil patriarch Immortan Joe created. How IS life outside of the citadel? Pretty shitty. The evil oppressive men built a city with water, plants, and protection from hostiles. What about that mysterious matriarchal paradise the Green

Why go through the huge expense and challenge of building a permanent human colony on the moon instead of say...the middle of the greenland ice sheet? or the Sahara desert? Either would be considerably easier. I suppose you could say there is a science argument, but science can be largely conducted with robots. What

Well thank you for making an argument unrelated to my comment.

It’s a movie, not a documentary.