
You forgot semen and condoms.

Who the fuck would donate to something like those? Greeks? Greek banks or government?

One difference I noticed between the men’s and women’s game is that when men take a shot on goal it’s usually aimed at the goal.

Why would it matter if it fell gently or harshly?

Laws are made for little people, not artists or hippies.

So, where’s all the galaxy shattering data from Sleeping Beauty?

For two weeks I’ve been reading about how fucked up the U.S. Team was and how brilliant, elegant and imposing the German and French teams were.

Germany doesnt need military bases, it has the U.S. Taxpayer to pay for Germany’s security.

Someone should check all the stables in Bethlehem.

So if someone identifies with a certain name, then that is their legal name?

Hmmm, no.

It's dead Jim.

This is like the ultimate blind fanboy explanation...heheh.

France lost to Columbia. The travesty here was seeding them #3 and if you don’t buy the #3 seeding then all this whining is just salty frenchie tears for not being able to beat any of the top teams.

Saw and talked to Bill at a Doobie Bros concert a month ago. He was in a wheel chair but got up and went down to the stage with us for the last few songs. Not sure about the wheel chair thingy...

It may have started in the second but it ended in the first.

It appears to me that either the second stage fired prematurely or the first stage didn't disengage properly. Either way, it ignited the fuel in the first stage reserved for landing operations.

What's a ULA?

Well, let’s look at Justin’s comments.

How little?