
Brady should be glad it wasn't six games and the pats had their SB trophy taken away. Timing is everything and Brady and pats are running up against history. Goodall is going to make sure these penalties stick or he's out of a job.

Was it a 5 iron?

I’m for getting rid of all sports programs at any federally funded college or university. If the NFL or NBA want a AAA program for their future athletes, let them pay for it themselves.

I can understand it, you know, in Venezuela. Doesn’t eat much or take up too much space. Plus, if it pisses you off you can throw it into a stew.

Must be a popular pet to have one sewn onto your head.

Why does he have a long haired guinea pig on his head?

From what I’ve seen most holocaust deniers aren’t denying the holocaust took place but the numbers involved. Is this what Mitchell was doing? I’m not going to click on any of the links...

Race baiting article title.

This was rather boaring.

Deadfucks incessant patriot cock sucking is unsemenly.

I approve of this league.

This article is a reason why I don't read Deadfuck anymore.

This is what happens when women expect the university to be their new daddy.

So i get this right, Brady is suspended for 4 games losing 2 million in salary, and the pats are fined one million, meaning they come out a million ahead?

Harsh, they should have taken the SB trophy away from them.

And his arm will always be one pitch away from going bye bye.

Jack Black movies have always been a 50/50 gamble. He was great in School of Rock and absolutely destroyed King Kong.

Thanks for posting this because after reading all the Black Widow posts the last few days it appeared as if most of the women bloggers on this site abhor and detest motherhood.

“Reminder: Kyle is Deadspin’s biggest pats homer boner.

The obvious solution is to go back to the draft.