
There’s nothing as sweet as drinking the tears of Pats fans.

Which is why it was so curious to see HamNo shamelessly pimping the event on gawker.

I think you're being a little hard on Scarlett Jewhansson.

Why are the vast majority of people put on stadium gigantrocams white and hetero? I believe there is a conspiracy to lock out POC and those of minority sexual orientation.

Guess he shouldn't have murdered somebody.

And fly in for every practice and game?

You can’t compare MLB or NBA players, who are on the road 40% of the season. NFL players only travel 16-24 days during regular season. Most live (I didn’t say buy homes) in or around the cities in which they play for 6 months of the year.

You can hardly blame him. he’s going to a team that is 11-37 the last 3 seasons plus he has to live in oakland most of the year.

Is this really your argument? Are you this thick?

Okay, I’ll walk you through this step by step, because I know thinking is hard.

You forgot “Don’t riot, loot and burn down old folks homes”.

That isn’t what you said. This is what you said...

44% of the police force in baltimore is black.

Oh, are you one of those obnoxious SJW’s that jump in and answer other peoples questions just can’t help yourself?

Heheh, like I said, when a gawker “blogger” posts an article on black on black crime, let me know.

Fair enough. When will gawker/kinja/DS be having a discussion on black on black crime?

Something has to be done about these out of control cops.

Gordon was a good pick for the Chargers.