
Not just in China. I know of two cases where she, like her father, said to her subcontractors “I will pay you 20 percent of what I owe you, you can sue me for the rest.” This family has no soul.

Word is these emails were leaked from someone high up. Whose name might or might not rhyme with Mike Schmence.

Fucked up racist statement. Unless you are a vegan, shut the hell up. If a culture dines on monkey brains, or horse, or dog, why is that any different than westerners eating cow and lamb and chicken?

And that she ran a child prostitution ring out of a pizzeria.

Is ALL of Wasilla brain-damaged?

Hey genius, it takes TWO people to make a baby.

Bitch, please.

Hey, you know what is classless? Trying to promote your shitty canned onion rings at an event at the White House (which you were only invited to as the plus one of your gf).

Plus, she’s kind of a cunt.

“I am hearing very good things about Harriet Tubman, one of our top women and Negros.”

“Many [Mexicans] are even trying come in anymore”. Who can blame them? I would love to move to Guadalajara myself.

That’s funny. “Rent controlled Park Avenue apartment”.

Saw her once (years ago) scarfing down a burger at Jackson Hole with her (then) lover, finished it off with a bowl of coffee ice cream. Was shocked to see that she actually consumes food.

If only we could convert people from being asshats.

What is that disgusting fleshy bit right in front of his ear? Ewwwwww.

The thing to remember is that there is no reality in “reality tv”. I live in the Pines, and honestly I see people of all ages, sizes, colors and a spectrum of butch to femme. You can choose to party continually, or just enjoy the natural beauty of the place. But if you are not happy with yourself, then you will not

Tell you what, asshat. Stay out of my uterus and I will stay out of your prostate. Which I hope you get cancer in. Soon.

Extremely punchable.

Well, it is a Trump tie. Made in China. Sad.

I hope all their daughters, granddaughters, nieces etc die from rusty hangers.