Most obese president since Taft.
Most obese president since Taft.
It is every person’s responsibility to protect themselves, and not rely on the word of others (who may or may not even be aware of their HIV status, as well as other STDs). Use a condom! Go on prep! Take responsibility for your own health! The answer is NOT putting HIV positive people in prison, that is cruel and…
Well played, Jezebel. Well played...
“We don’t know who Mitt Romney voted for.” Wait, what? Do we not still have private voting in this country?
Actually, Lin Manuel Miranda was born in NY, of Puerto Rican parents.
Alternative medicine is bullsit. My best friend died because she did shit like Reiki and Acupuncture instead of getting cancer treatment. Don’t bother responding to this post, I don’t give a flying fuck.
Are you sure it is gay marriage father? And not priests molesting children and then the church covering it up? THAT seems earthquake-worthy to me!
awww, cute. latent homosexual has a crush on the Donald.
The mango Mussolini. Il Douche.
Had my twin boys through in-vitro at age 35. When they were 18 months old, I got pregnant, out of the blue, I swear we didn’t even have sex (who has the energy with 18 month old twins?). Turns out it the good news was it was a girl, bad news was the CVS showed severe genetics anomalies, a baby that would probably…
When I had my gall bladder out (laparoscopically, fortunately) the surgeon came by afterward to show it to me. There were so many tiny stones that it pretty much resembled a bag of sand.
During one of his many appearances on the Howard Stern show, Stern asked him if he had ever slept with any black women. “Depends what you mean by black” Trump answered. WTF?
“It’s the year of ‘go fuck yourself’”
Which is why it is so important for parents to impress upon their sons that this type of behavior is unacceptable.
No one hates Trump more than I do but for the love of God will someone get Tim Kaine a suit that fits?
And would he have pulled that shit with a male attorney?
I had an abortion after the fetus was determined to have trisomy 18. It was a girl, and I already had twin boys, so that sucked. But do I ever regret not bringing to term a baby who would never smile, or sit up, or live past one year? Not a chance.
He’s gay, she tried to escape before the marriage but was “persuaded” to be a baby making machine to ensure the royal lineage. The whole family is slightly nuts..
Just say no, kids...