
Are you really that stupid that you can't figure out why this thing has Bluetooth/wifi?

Are you really that stupid that you can't figure out why this thing has Bluetooth/wifi?

Never never never should you sear a steak first. You are a moron

Never never never should you sear a steak first. You are a moron

And you are a piece of shit that is breaking the law. I hope you drive off a cliff. Learn how to drive moron

Bitch all you want but stats don't lie, poor people have more kids

Same Vizio soundbar is $120 at Walmart with free shipping moron. Trying to rip people off is not a good quality.

Same Vizio soundbar is $120 at Walmart with free shipping moron. Trying to rip people off is not a good quality.

Really? I didn't know that. Douche

You mean take the price down to probably where it should be at? Even musk has said tesla won’t turn a profit until at least 2020, fucking stock is so overly priced because dumbass’s that have no clue buy a stock because they like the damn car but know nothing about the actual stock

They really are unreliable pieces of shit, I traded mine in after a month

A fisting party? I didn't know such a thing existed, I don't think I would want to meet the people to frequent fisting parties. Do they have a proctologist on call? I would like to befriend a proctologist, I'm sure they have some great stories

Bought out of bankruptcy

Gosh, you are the moron of the week with that idiotic statement.

No shit, did you just figure this out?

God forbid people have opposing views.

What is the purpose of putting truth before your comment?

Old news

Just to name a few. Are you this incompetent that you are unable to look it up on you own?

You listed 2 banks.

Plenty plenty of banks that DO NOT HAVE MAINTAINCE FEES, maybe if people got off their asses and spent a bit of time doing some research it would be beneficial to them, until then I don't feel bad at all.

So it's not as bad cause it's going to another black person? That's the fucking deranged thinking that is leading to lots of problems. Wow I feel bad for you.

That is just simply not true. Do some research before you post false information.