And loud fuck you C.A. Douche bag from STL. Fuck you and your mother
And loud fuck you C.A. Douche bag from STL. Fuck you and your mother
I like my steamer for my tile and wood floors, works great. Swifter is not bad in between steams for dog hair and such
Fucking bull shit, the waiter in a sense tried to steal. What he did was fraud and the waiter should be fired and didn't deserve a damn thing. This is coming from someone who always tips 20% or more which I don't have a problem doing and I eat out quite frequently, if I saw a tip automatically added I would be…
Cheaper than a date out and then contracting it from your date
Stupid fucking article, no wonder why blacks and whites don't get along its cause of stupid shit like this
That would be racist haha ridiculous IMO
I'm reading this waiting for my blizzard
What was your quote?
Gazelle is good for 30 days, I did that today and might sell it or might not, most likely not as my 6 plus is working just fine... About $350 for the 6 plus 64 gig on AT&T... Probably just wait for the 7 though
California sucks, high taxes terrible pollution and countless other things, best decision ever that I moved the fuck away
That whole damn kardashian clan doesn't care about anyone but themselves. I would not complain if they vanished off the face of the earth along with kayne who is one of the biggest bitch cry babies alive, just all waste of space that contributes nothing real to society
I guess they didn't take into account how overpriced it is
so what’s wrong with where I please? Trust me I’ve been done with school for plenty of time and I’m sure my education, job, family and friends are far superior to your worthless life. “Haha” douche worthless piece of trash. Fuck off and do us all a favor.
I fuck off where every I please you worthless piece of scum
I thought all you libs here love getting stuff for free, I thought that was the new American Dream
Why was the delivery driver in his kitchen? I order a lot of delivery food and every time I every had if paying by credit card or debit YOU PAY when you order not when it is delivered, something is totally off about this
Car can run idle for a long long time without running out of gas,wtf are you talking about? Not that I condone leaving a dog in a hot car, I would never do that to my dog
Ah no not at all
I've been to lamberts. They are tossed lightly not thrown hard, it's not like they wind up and let it go. Your friend is correct, they are very light as well. This woman is full of shit and deserves to be in jail for trying to make a quick buck
She should be thrown in jail