
I can absolutely hate this show. This show makes me angry that I wasted my time. There are multitudes to why this show has driven me up the wall in a furvor as of late after finishing it. As the show progressed, more and more of it’s pretty candy coated shell was chipped away to reveal the terrible shit at its center.

I haven’t watched this yet but I just saw the listing on Netflix for the first time a couple of days ago. I laughed and said “This looks like a Brit Marling thing” and then sure enough...

I feel like I’ve enjoyed her so far but I can’t say I’ve really loved any of the movies she’s made. They start with great ideas,

So is it also coincidental that ancient tribes in Africa knew about stars (Sirius B), that are only visible through modern telescopes?

Are you old enough to remember when global cooling was the big fear? Spoiler alert it didn’t happen. So now it’s global warming, or whatever alternative name you want to give it. Pardon me for not getting overly excited about this.

I saw it in its theater release...breathtaking visuals, but horribly fragmented. I’ve never seen the Director’s Cut, but just saying there is one opens my mind to it again.

I got absolutely chewed out for posting a somewhat whiney comment, on how the site has declined in quality noticeably.

No, they are alive because the US was too much of a pussy to risk a confrontation with Russia.

I generally don’t move over. I let them go around.

Peirs Morgan is a simplistic idiot on Gun Control issues and is just as idiotic on Privacy issues. It’s almost like he grew up in a surveillance state without a right to bare arms.

6 Dozen Moms In Lifeless Marriages That Aren’t Divorced Yet Because When You Make A Commitment To God You Keep It And Besides It’s Better For The Kids’ Sake

Given that square cash charges the same 3% fee for credit card that you say Venmo sucks for charging, I’d say a) square cash sucks for the same reason and b) you are an amateurish shill for misleading your readers.

Inhalation of my farts has been shown to promote immediate death, period.

Wow, that’s great.

I believe it’s basically that there is a cost associated with maintaining the wires connected to a house. So even if you produce enough energy to completely cover your energy needs, you are getting a service from the wires by basically “storing” your excess energy during the day and using at night.

Healthcare IT here:

I’d argue that Duchovny is a bigger star than her, but that’s still not a great justification. In the context of the show, they’re both the stars. I mean, would people buy a Scully-less X-Files?

Can something that was never really alive die?

What about all those people (myself included) that live in an apartment? How are we going to charge these abominations?

So you are actually going to say that the way to make a safe safer is to plug it into the internet? Okay. Okay. Because the WiFi thing definitely means less security problems. ROFL.

If the idea of the 2nd Amendment is to ensure the citizenry can protect itself from a future tyrannical government (which if you have read the federalist papers and other writings of the drafters of the constitution, it is pretty clear that was the intent). How illogical would it be to grant that same government a big