I generally don’t move over. I let them go around.
I generally don’t move over. I let them go around.
6 Dozen Moms In Lifeless Marriages That Aren’t Divorced Yet Because When You Make A Commitment To God You Keep It And Besides It’s Better For The Kids’ Sake
What about all those people (myself included) that live in an apartment? How are we going to charge these abominations?
-said the only woman on jalopnik
This really isn’t necessary for PS4. Last major update was in October of this year. Most systems out there are running on 3.00 I believe that are still in the box.
Counterpoint: dont mess with someones brand new console before theyve had a chance to use it.
WTF is up with all the “last minute shopping” emails and articles I’m seeing this week? Are there not more than two weeks until Christmas?
WTF is up with all the “last minute shopping” emails and articles I’m seeing this week? Are there not more than two…
Did the makeup artist flat-out reject his advances or did she give him a sign that he could go all the way?
Gosh, you are the moron of the week with that idiotic statement.
Wait, we’re applauding the guy who apparently overserved a couple and then called the cops on them because he didn’t like the tip?
Sorry, but that ship is beyond beautiful.
Posting false information in order to make some asinine point is, well, asinine. Minimum balance requirement at my bank is $100, at my credit union it’s $20. And they certainly aren’t alone. Do you enjoy pulling false info out of your ass? I would imagine it hurts...
Minority households comprise a disproportionately large percentage of the unbanked—a population that’s 21 percent black, 19 percent Hispanic, 15 percent Native American—as well as the underbanked. It’s not a voluntary state of being: living outside the financial system usually signifies some combination of poor…
I have been poor-ish, and lived paycheck to paycheck. It takes digging and you may have to go out of your way to use some tiny credit union or something, but you can have a bank account that doesn’t have large deposit requirements and/or doesn’t charge you for going below a certain amount.
It absolutely baffles me that there are people in the US without a checking account. They are frigging FREE. F.R.E.E. Screw checks, get a debit card and go. If you’re so poor that being denied your paycheck for 2 days results in your utilities getting shut off (which, btw, is complete bullshit, that’s not a 48 hour…
I’ve been with Wells Fargo since the Wachovia days. I’ve never had a required balance for my checking account and I’ve only been hit with a fee once (overdraft; totally my fault).
I don’t get it. If there’s a $10 monthly fee anyway, why not get a no-minimum balance checking account at a real bank?
This is another eye-opening moment. Totally not defending the asshole customer and I’m sorry for all of the servers involved. But...
Thank you for giving credit to the photographers. As a combat photographer myself, it means a lot to us to see our work credited.