
what did the GIB do when the Angels flew the f-4

Don't know how much the corporate mandate has to do with all of the issues since as the article notes teams are free to use whatever tablets they want off the sidelines.

goddamnit I don't want to like him but it's hard not too

I bet their terrain inhibit button gets some serious usage

a government can sensor but so can private individuals. When a government does it it can violate rights the converse isn't always true.

to suppress or remove as objectionable?

the Xkcd comic you posted has nothing to do with censorship. It rightly points out that the right to free speech can only be infringed by the government. Can you point out a reputable definition of censorship that shows where it is government only?

No it doesn't. In fact censorship doesn't imply punishment at all.

while you are right that private entities don't owe anyone shit you are incorrect about only the government being able to censor.

Read my link.

even at will has limits, go read about the civil rights acts. just like you can't fire someone who is an at will employee because of their race you can't fire them because of their religion (or lack thereof.)

There are plenty of things wrong with your statement but the only one that I am going to bother pointing out is your offense about comparisons between Jackie Robinson and Michael Sam. You say that Michael Sam is free to live and work where he pleases, that is false. In the majority of the country sexual orientation

meh the night air show doesn't really do anything for me. Maybe I'm just jaded because I've seen it so many times. Now a days if it isn't the blue Angels or an f-22 i don't bother sticking around.

pedantic detail but no such thing as a G6.

Correct. Are you implying that Ward was trying to kill Stewart?

comparative negligence applies in civil proceedings.

it might. If smoke took action to scare him or shoot dirt at him that was negligent then it doesn't matter that Ward was on a hot track.

If I call you a motherfucker and you punch me in the face and kill me it doesn't matter that i instigated it.