Of course no charges there but that might not be what happened here. If it can be proven that smoke gunned the engine to spray dirt intimidate ward etc then there was something ne could have done I.e. Not gunned the engine.
Of course no charges there but that might not be what happened here. If it can be proven that smoke gunned the engine to spray dirt intimidate ward etc then there was something ne could have done I.e. Not gunned the engine.
you know it's Canadian police because I'd bet American swat teams would have included a few more f-bombs v
Are you sure about the purpose of the Gold in the canopy? On the EA-6 the gold was to protect the crew from the large amount of Radiation that it puts out.
I had one in pre-buy a few years ago. Cherry 03 with SMG low miles 19" wheels and silver. They threw it up on the lift and found oil weeping from the oil pan gasket. I called a contact at the Local BMW Dealer and they said that the car hadn't had the service action done. Ran, didn't walk away from that car. Stuck…
Even more amazing when viewed in light of something I heard a few years ago, that the average age on a flight deck is 19 years old.
Damn, I've worked on Airport Ramps in the past and done some things that scare me when I look back on them, but nothing like this. I can't believe how close they get to the business end of that aircraft.
If Torii is okay with it, I'm okay with it.
I follow the track and IndyCar as well as a ton of the drivers on twitter and have a few acquaintances who work in various roles for the series so I might not be the most accurate gauge.
they've been promoting the heck out of it here in Indy. As someone who loves the twisties I am beyond excited. Heading over to watch some practice right now.
I intentionally avoid renting the Camaro because as stated it SUCKS to park (and drive in traffic) the sight lines are horrible and the rear windows too small. I also tried a new Taurus once and it had pretty poor views as well.
the wind doesn't change your rotation speed just your takeoff distance.
alas I wish it was something more exciting than getting nicked for dwls for failure to pay an out of state ticket. Spent a few hours in jail, Tyce bailed me out and Chad Hill represented me. Chad has done a few other things for me in the interim however fortunately I haven't needed Tyce again.
I never smashed into a plane (had colleagues who did though one got killed) I did however push a plane into a hangar wall does that count?
I dissembled my dyson 2 weeks ago to give it an overhaul after 6 years, thing was nasty but is amazing now.
Best part about living in Indy is that my dentist and Bail Bondsman both raced in the Indy 500 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyce_Carl…) and my lawyer owned a team.
Opening image is a Simtek car but they didn't make the list?
as someone who counts these type of people (insanely wealthy) amongst some of my clients I can tell you they don't worry about that kind of stuff they have people who so that for them.
My old man had a Lincoln LS with a with a stick. It was the first rear wheel car I ever drove. Thing was a blast, comfortable and peppy and fun to drive with the stick.
compared to some of the other women I'm not sure about that: http://theathleticbuild.com/the-top-20-fit…
the secondary sex characteristics that she would have had when she was a male are modified significantly as a result of her HRT. While things like height and bone structure wouldn't change she is pretty small anyway.