
“Gender suspicious” is a glorious phrase.

not i, and i am similarly wondering.

Rest in peace, dear Alexis.

Yes, obviously, murder is not a good thing, but how can this woman be held to the same standard as someone of sound mind who had a relatively normal upbringing? Most of us would know we had other options. Did she? Did she fully comprehend that she had legal options, given her upbringing, and the physical/mental

I’m going to have to disagree with you on that one. It sort of justifies it. I’m not saying she should go free, but 10 years sounds about right to me

I read the piece by Buzzfeed the other day. Although quite a long article, I was stricken and gob smacked at what this young woman went through during her childhood into adulthood. It doesn’t justify what she did but what does it say about society that she thought this was her only way out.

My son has a peanut allergy and has to keep an epi-pen with him at all times. These are really expensive life preservers. The devices, most of the time, expire before they are ever needed, but you never want to be caught with out one. I am lucky and my insurance covers most of the cost, but that just means my HMO

I feel very disinclined to pass judgment on this dude, because it seems like he’s making these products for people who actually practice witchcraft as their religion? That could be my incorrect hot take, but I just feel wrong shitting on this dude for trying to make a (albeit odd) living. As long as he’s not trying to

“Feels like judgmental schlock to me, honestly." That's because it is. People care very invested in modesty-policing under the guise of 'concerns about mental health, self-respect, character, traditional values, or 'feminist cultural critique'" while simultaneously claiming that they give no fucks about what other

That was a good age for him.

This post hurts me.

god romeo + juliet was my SEXUAL AWAKENING

Yes. That is it exactly. He looks like the saltiest, sea-dogged three year old.

Momoa is the only actor in Justice League that I know for a fact can actually scowl properly. I mean that’s pretty much 95% of what he did on Game of Thrones, scowl and speak in a made up language.

You speak as if this is somehow a bad thing.


Does anyone look at this picture and think that Momoa could play the best axe-wielding Klingon ever?

Oh no, he's going to make Aquaman a guitarist in a metal band, isn't he?

Jason Momoa looks like he just stepped out of a 1980's heavy metal music video.

He could have at least uploaded this...