
:o Ronon Dex was a much more complex character than that. Plus... he had a gun lol

lol sure

Feels like judgmental schlock to me, honestly. I know the article is part joke, but even when I never took selfies I didn’t try to make everyone else stop taking them by explaining over and over again why they were dumb. I just went through a weight loss journey, though, and the selfies I take now are about expressing

THIS. I am poly and having a seriously hard time dating because people who haven’t been involved in a poly relationship before or are inherently jealous don’t GET it. Many of them think that there are rules being broken and don’t feel comfortable talking to my husband about it. Pretending that people ignoring their

that’s a TON of potassium. wouldn’t that give someone horrible diarrhea?

As long as she sings she can wear whatever she wants

Only if I can rip off his head and eat it after he officially drops out

Damn :/ I did a reverse image search and found- “A multi colored sapphire necklace by Lorraine Schwartz” It would probably cost in the tens of thousands of dollars, based on the prices I see for her other jewelry

I KNOW. I thought “Normally, that isn’t my type of thing, but that could be my fancy jewelry for sure.” Too bad it probably costs $2 mil or something

Yeah, as a sort of comic geek I’ve read WAY too much Deadpool for my own good and it’s generally unpleasant. The fourth-wall-breaking jokes are sort of gimmicky, the characters are pretty poorly developed, the sexism gets old fast, the violence is so gratuitous it desensitizes the reader and breaks the tension... etc.

There are three assistant principals at that school, and two are guys, so I can see why people would be confused

:o Jesus. I’m heading to the UK for my birthday (a month from now), and this is terrifying. I knew they were drinkers, but shiiiit

For a while I was thinking I would save up ALL of my money for the next 10 years (or however long my dog lives) and do this. I didn’t put much thought into the process of the cloning, but then I heard the NPR story about the dogs that have to be cut open to have the eggs taken out, and the ones that have to be cut

My husband says this looks like calc 3 to him (he was a mechanical engineering major), so it’s way overkill. Unless she’s secretly getting a degree in the hard sciences, I can’t see how she would know this level of math. It’s not really the kind of thing most people just teach themselves

could be some of that wax liner used to make sure lipstick doesn’t smudge outside of the lip line.

I was just in Aspen, and there are commercials on cable for that “house” (pretty sure it’s a mansion). Her realtors are advertising it at $8.9 million and included her walking around the property in the commercial.

lol I get tons of help from my parents and I still can’t save money *dies of shame already*