Tig ol' Bitties


There is a guy in an apartment complex down the road from me that keeps an 87 Cavalier- not even a z24- in a tarp garage year round. It is immaculate. I cant wrap my head around it.

As someone who learned to drive in an 84 Omni I say not everything needs to be preserved. I dont go to the Louvre to see boring landscapes painted by shitty starving artist contemporaries of DaVinci.

That and Im pretty sure when he and Ivanka are having marital relations, he lets Trump watch.

Fruit of the Loom Network. Tuesdays 10pm. Mark Wahlberg hosts a panel discussion of issues facing men with well developed bodies. All while sitting in just underwear. There was an episode where Alfonso Ribero “came out” as having an underwear bod. Powerful,powerfull stuff.

Human reproduction rates are tied much closer to peoples view on how many heirs they will need to care for them in old age, among several economic factors. Biology is weak compared to economics.

Listen Stephen Miller. Take a cue from your orange boss and only tweet. Fewer characters are your friend.

Why do sports need various levels of eroticism in order to be masculine? Do you worry about being called one of “the gays” if you dont justify watching men compete with the occasional half naked girl? 

Wow so a woman disagrees with you and your only comeback is to notch up attacks that she is a “shrew”. Im done you arent worth the time.

Wow. You just zoomed from dumb ass guy opinion right on to borderline rape theory. You should have half as many opinions and share half as many as that.

So the only reason a man would stand up for a woman’s rights is in hopes of sex? Thats a very simplistic world view. Two things :Try fucking something non latex that isn’t delivered by UPS, and try speaking to a real woman. It seems your only communication with women is answering sex ads on porn sites.

He’s not a police car. Its just a guys truck. The cam records when he says record. Wtf are you talking about?

I hate to be truther guy but cmon. How many times have do normal humans record their washings? So this guy just happened to decide that wash number 32 of the year was the one he’s recording from BEFORE he enters and a car happens to have stall issues just as he starts recording?

Not the heros we deserve. But the heros we can (barely) afford.

Not just Chad. Nickleback Chad Kroeger. Well played young man.

How do you rack mud?

I would suspect that social pressures to pursue more “womanly” activities, as well as well as the misogynistic proclivities of those who train drivers has more to do with women not racing than anything else.I have no way to prove it but in a bubble where men and women were raised equally and given equal chances to

Im chalking this up the same way people say they’ve been waiting “for like 45 minutes” when its actually been 3.

Take off hoser

I am humbled beyond words