They could and should, but if you aren’t teaching responsibility and appreciation while giving you might as well leave them in the gutter.
They could and should, but if you aren’t teaching responsibility and appreciation while giving you might as well leave them in the gutter.
“Won’t somebody Please think of the Property values!!!”
May I present you with Dana Carvey and Steven Colbert as Skinheads from Maine?
You just equated child porn with being a “kink”. You seem to have no idea what a kink is. Watching child porn is not a “kink” and its not a fetish it is a crime. Kink and Fetish involve CONSENT. Child porn requires non consent.
You just equated child porn with being a “kink”. You seem to have no idea what a kink is. Watching child porn is not a “kink” and its not a fetish it is a crime. Kink and Fetish involve CONSENT. Child porn requires non consent.
Making it about race is very effective. How are dumb shits like you not grey with me?
Its not a fantasy and you are wrong for perpetuating that myth.
A thousand stars.
The replys to that are beautiful
After listening to talking heads spend the first 7 years of Lebrons career talk about his assuredly going to the Knicks I am unsympathetic to your plight
So it turns out it was Parish’s, not McHales Navy all along
Because its right next to the railyard where Cincinnati hobos jump the tracks to fill their bindle sacks before making their way North to Montreal and sweet glorious freedom.
No Kidding, thats like blaming Syracuse for Buffalo butt beer bonging.
Also Steeles Corners down the road from Blossom.
Thats what I don’t get. Progressive Field sits 3 miles from lake Erie and is in good enough condition that the Dolans pay for upkeep out of pocket. And those guys are so cheap they murder hobos just to make trousers out of their bindle sacks.
Why in Gods name does your dryer need bells and whistles? Surely a simple buzzer would suffice to let you know a load is complete.
Well look at you Mr. Highfalootin Moneybags. IROC Z’s and Dungarees? Cant just pull the burlap corn sacks offn’ yer mule and stitch up some britches while you make some mash down at the still? Yer big timin ways wouldn’t cotton round these parts.
I found your question nonsensical as it pertains to the Apple Lawsuit. I dont care if it makes sense to you, to me its a silly ad hoc question. i answered the best I could sorry it wasn’t enough. Sorry for the insult it was late I couldnt sleep and was grouchy. Lets see how the Apple case plays out in court. If Apple…
When I’m as certain of something as you are I don’t get as worked up as you are. Confidence in a position breeds calmness. To each his own. Happy new year!
Totally agree. The only point I’m failing to make to apparently everyone is this: