I know nothing about the feature. Do you know that for a fact? Do you have actual eyes on the patented equipment that would stop phone transmissions and you can say from personal hands on experience this is so? Or are you speculating?
I know nothing about the feature. Do you know that for a fact? Do you have actual eyes on the patented equipment that would stop phone transmissions and you can say from personal hands on experience this is so? Or are you speculating?
edited double post
When I reaponded to you I didn’t realize you weren’t the original poster that I had responded to sorry that was my fault.
You aren’t apparently bright enough to understand the answer was given. Sorry you are dim. Have a happy new year.
All very good points and probablyAll very good points and probably the reasons why they haven’t implemente
Over 40 years the auto industry went from producing fireball death traps to incredibly safe automobiles.
Over 40 years the auto industry went from producing fireball death traps to incredibly safe automobiles.
How long precisely did Apple have the technology?
Don’t make it at an absolutist argument and ease back on the insults. I just stated an opinion you call me stupid and then say “I” am trolling?
Cellphone makers and data providers are fighting against laws that make phone usage in cars safer because it costs them money. If you are fighting saftey regulation for the sake of profit you have liability.
I said this somewhere else but here in Ohio the Data providers lobbied hard against restrictions on facetime and texting while driving laws. They successfully prevented laws that would keep adult drivers from texting.
But such a bottle lock does not exist therefore it is a false equivalency. You are equating a thing that does exist -the technology to prevent FaceTime from being used while operating a car with something that does not exist - thus the false equivalence, hope this helps you see the difference.
I agree that your false equivalency of Jack Daniels to this article does sound ridiculous
From the 50s-70s car makers were deliberately suppressing saftey studies showing how dangerous cars were and that automakers were shirking saftey for profit.
Counterpoint: It sets a great precedent to hold billion dollar corporations to a standard of making their products as safe as possible.
Boy can I relate. Our mayor moved the free parking time at meters from 6-7 pm. I sprayed pigs blood on his kids when they got off the school bus and defecated in his mailbox.
Jesus thank you for saying it. I can’t believe how many people are missing it
You might have missed what happened.
And when the massage and happy ending are over I bet they appreciate your diction.
As much as I hate to admit it this is the reason I do agree with some portion of dram laws. People that serve alcohol have a responsibility to recognize when it is time for someone to stop drinking.