Um, she’s actually “the cunt” from Chicago ( that’s in Illinois since you seem geographically stunted. Also, The s at the end of Illinois is silent since you seem intellectually stunted)
Um, she’s actually “the cunt” from Chicago ( that’s in Illinois since you seem geographically stunted. Also, The s at the end of Illinois is silent since you seem intellectually stunted)
Can you? Can you literally go anywhere else?
Yes I have been schooled. I hang my head in shame at daring to refute your irrefutable “facts”. I will spend the rest of my days clanging my chains and warning other foolish Kinja’ers to never question the infallible stats of raider rich. I humbly withdraw from the field of battle
You don’t have very good reading comprehension skills. I gave you specific reasons why I don’t trust the validity of police self reporting on shooting. You didn’t refute these statements you just blathered on about irrelevant things.
So local police are the basis of that FBI report and yet...
Mmmm not to be too PC but I think “they” prefer “well spoken”, mmmmkk.
But just think of the kinky dom/sub game you could play with such a man. He is scrupulous hard working meat purveyor, and you are the taciturn, pitiless, big government operative.
Sooo, JLo is desigining bike race suits? Cool.
Now we just have to figure out the real identity of who is hiding underneath that Doritos Locos rubber mask with the baboon fur hairpiece. Trump is the mask- who is behind it??
If we are electing a guy based on his ability to skirt tax laws, shouldn’t we drop Trump and vote for Jack Mitnik?
Yes you are correct! And if you can’t acknowledge that this method of data collection “could” lead to bias then you have a crippling problem with rational thought. My dad also is a retired Chief of police their jobs do not make us experts in the field, and you still haven’t linked to your source stats. Since you…
They are your stats you produce them. You insisted we have discussion based on facts and currently you are producing none. Telling me to “ go look them up”is juvenile
Source citation please
Sorry I didnt read all the way down before responding. I what you were trying to say about the difference between declining to answer questions and physically leaving. In that sense you are 100% correct the police have a right to stop you and ask questions for as long as it reasonably takes to complete their…
If a crime has been committed the police absolutely have the right to stop you and ask questions without having to arrest you. However, you absolutely have the right to decline answering before and after arrest. If a car jacking happened in your area and the police stopped to question you, you are absolutely allowed…
You know, when the Michael Brown shooting happened I was in the “lets not overreact and wait till all the evidence is in” camp, and I believed probably 90% of police shootings were justified.
And when Kims tape came out it made sense. The family was rich but they didn’t have Hilton money to afford a professional director and editing team.
What if he was the videographer for her sex tape?
They are kind of hit and miss but I like the idea I have of Belle and Arial who one listened to Lisa Loebs Stay for two days straight when her boyfriend dump d her. Later she got into Phish vis Rusted Root and became that girl that shows up to a music fest in a convertible BMW 328 but gets out wearing a hemp skirt and…
FWIW that trade netted the Browns Justin Gilbert who has been traded to “archrival” Pittsburgh. You think you’ve got it bad? When the Bills trade Watkins to an AFC east rival come talk to me.