Tig ol' Bitties

I once wrote out a small piece explaining Disney princesses musical taste if they grew up in the ‘90s. Belle is the girl who claimed to love The Pixies waaaay before she heard of Nirvana. Later she despises Kid A, but scours reviews for non recognizable references to drop on her friends as to why they should

Is he a metaphor? Because that looks like a horned dog she is dancing with. If she knew he was a person from the jump I’d be okay. But as I said yesterday it’s pretty clear from “something there”. She is attracted to dog boy with no knowledge of his metaphorical self.  

(Paints face orange, hastily combs over hair)

You gotta know your B N B then. The writers created a George RR Martin/Tolkien backstory for this movie.

I believe he was 1/16th dog on his mothers side, of course dog is the Native American of Beasties, anyone with a little shag in his coat is claiming dog. His father had a lot of Liongoat in him which would account for the horns.

You seem good natured enough I’ll send you the Monty python or David Lynch title of your choosing

It depends on how passable you are. If people mistake you for Mediterranean and compliment how “exotic” you look, enjoy your Tim Burton! If people confuse you with Rosie Perez then Burton may not be for you.

So only white people like those type of movies and only white people watch those movies?”

“art-house-camp-goth-misfit movies.”

Habit-forming and physical addiction are two very different things.

Decaf is like a man trying to fake an orgasm

I think a properly strung noose would have pushed this into full on hate crime, so maybe he did have a moment of sense but I’m not willing to give him that much intellectual credit.

Big tip of the cap to those young men and women for not taking the bait and beating the shit out of him. That is some Gahndi level self control.

Thats the mind blower for me. All he had to do was make some “sorry not sorry” statement apologizing if he offended anyone in the past and then STFU for a few months to get elected. A lot of people think he has no filter but I think this is his best, most sanitized, filtered self.

Yeah I think you’re closer to what he is. I jus think dog fucker sounds funnier in my head, not sure why though.

Yes! thank you! I had the image of her talking to a tree with a face in my head and just ran with it.

You should probably take into account the decades of Civil Rights work that changed or created laws which forced the acceptance of a slew of disenfranchised groups. Without years of legal wrangling and the threat of legal repercussions the social pressure to accept gays, blacks, latinos, etc. would not exist.

Some Christian groups boycotted Pocohantas because she talks to trees and rocks and such. Anthropomorphism as a spiritual idea conflicts with the idea of Christianity. I dont think it ever gained a lot of tractionbut I remeber there was a stink when the movie came out.

Can we all admit the Beauty and the Beast is going to be creepy as fuck as a live action movie?

Is it true that when asked what place women have in a sexual relationship Rose responded: