Sincerely want to thank you for linking this.
Sincerely want to thank you for linking this.
Not standing for the anthem is not spelled out as punishable in the NFL CBA. Altering your uniform -wearing black- is and he could be fined or suspended. Which makes it not an option for protest.
I would disagree with you on this point.
Way to add something relevant to the discussion Neil
That is the only time mark may can ever seem like the smartest guy in the room
Since when did Toradol stop being a drug?
As a Cleveland guy wrong by both cities I’m probably disqualified from voting. But I vote
I was going to agree with you and shake my head in disbelief at the number of mutton brains that unilaterally side with inheritance rich do nothing billionaires instead of poor to middle class kids who have worked their butts off to hone a very profitable skill.
Thank you, now kindly don’t ever fucking do that again. I'm not going to sleep for a week
Really makes me more convinced that David Bowie saw what was coming and headed back to his home planet.
Top notch sarcasm. At first post I almost thought you were serious. Then I read “top 5 program” and all this other silliness and realized Id been had. Really great stuff, you probably hooked a lot of people into believing there is someone dumb enough to tout the seating capacity of a football stadium as a thing to…
Homebrew people can make Quantum Leap Cosplay seem positively erotic by comparison.
Vietnam? Because that cant be better. I heard they spit on those guys
Architect? She should've said she was a marine biologist.
You just reminded me of one of my favorite bits from the Simpsons. Bart visits Hugh Hefner and Hef opens a secret door to reveal bunnies in lingerie lab coats working on clean energy or something.
Like, the number one reason for people staying with abusers is financial. So instead of using your own tax write off to facilitate another tax write off maybe you give that money directly to abuse victims?
Is this a good time to point out that if you are an Amber Heard or Taylor Swift and can just “give” 7 figure moneys - not to actual people- but faceless charities than maybe we should rethink our tax structure?
The vultures are circling the carcass?The crips are raiding the liquor store?
We’re probably all reading the same stuff unless someone has an inside scoop.
Why you gotta bring Trump quotes into this thing?