
its actually pap schmeer, like with bagels

This, from Captain Fucko von Sniffles? Good one!

Trump will next criticize Clinton’s ill-fitting suits, her inexplicably orange skin, her tendency to loom over people, and her terrible comb-over. “I hear she just reaches out and grabs people by the pussy, is what I hear” reports Trump.

sorry, president evil, her drug tests are currently being audited.

Listening to that Access Hollywood video about Donald Trump has made me clench so tight I am confident my uterus isn’t going anywhere.

That Anderson Cooper. You give him a centimeter, and he’ll take a mile.

One of the worst things about this election is learning exactly what percentage of Americans are total monsters.

“We don’t care!” yelled supporters in the crowd

Yeah. I actually have been just sitting here with fingers hovering over my keyboard, wondering when I stopped finding the GOP’s meltdown funny.

I’m gleefully enjoying the implosion of the G.O.P.

I wished for an October Surprise. This is like a month of Halloween. Like, after a few days, it’s not fun, anymore. You ate all your good candy, you have a stomach ache, you have to figure out what to do with the shitty candy, and your parents won’t let you take off your costume or wash off the day’s old makeup.

We need to understand that this is not a political movement. It is a CULT. Read the warning signs: this was written years ago and NOT about Trump.

Well, as one of the 4 daughters of a man who retained his sexist attitudes after I was born, colour me not shocked. Becoming fathers doesn’t cure men of sexist attitudes.

What’s the weirder life? Being married to Hitler, being a favored child of Hitler or being the child Hitler doesn’t like because you don’t have the boobs Hitler thinks his daughter should have?

OMG. That’s what’s behind the hair. He’s growing it so he can let it down out of a window and someone can climb up it.


Mark Cuban is election Santa.

Surely Mark Cuban can dig around his couch cushions and come up with the 5 million. For America.

If it is possible/real Mark Cuban will absolutely make this investment. I have never seen someone get so much glee out of the demise of Trump except maybe Hillary.