
Why is this magazine even called Sports Illustrated? It's most famous issue is about ladies in swimsuits, and it celebrates its anniversary with... ladies in swimsuits. Shouldn't they change their name to Boobies Illustrated at this point?

As vanillabean said, our snowfall varies. It used to snow a LOT in the 90s; then it seemed to lull for a while. There were a few winters with no snow at all. Then ~4 years ago, we got a couple big snow storms. Then a freak snowstorm in October, then Sandy the next year with essentially no snow. This year's crazy

My school runs grades 4-8, and we have "virtual learning" days. They only instituted them two snow days ago; prior to them we had had 3 snow days with no work required. We're a private school so we're much more flexible on school day requirements; I think it's mostly to make sure kids are actually learning something

Jared Leto attempted to get the phone numbers of some models at fashion week and was denied

In my last apartment I had Comcast. That first day I was waiting for them to set it up, and they hadn't shown up as of like 6 or 7PM. I called, and the guy said the technician had knocked but I wasn't home. I FLIPPED my shit; I'd been sitting at home all fucking day with NOTHING to do waiting for this asshole to

Oh my god I TOTALLY would!

Ugh. I get the appeal of pubic hair around the ladybits. I could even understand not shaving your armpits. But there will never, EVER be a time when I will want hair in my butt. NEVER. If I could afford it, I would laser remove that shit. The worst is when I shave my buttcrack and miss a hair, and then randomly

I have too few married friends for it to get a good number. I don't know if that makes me feel better or worse! lol

I should be looking at apartments since that's where we're going to have to go when this lease is up, but they're even more depressing because they're also very expensive around here for less space :(

Why, oh why, do I torture myself by looking at houses? I can't afford them, and all the ones I can afford are either in shady areas or flood zones. Plus I'm looking up here where I live now, but when I settle down and have theoretical-kids I'd want to be closer to my family, not the hour-plus away I am now.

Random question — what in the world was happening at that moment? No one else is shocked to the point of jumping, what did they say? Did they start to say Taylor Swift and then abruptly stopped and said someone else? Why were they startled?!

Then I must be a man, because most of my nightmares involve tornadoes, earthquakes, death and destruction; I get chased, I fall from things, I get shot at or knives thrown at me. I can count on one hand the nightmares about "relationships".

Now playing

Off topic, but your parentheses reminded me of Miss Teen South Carolina's rant about US Americans not having maps and I chuckled.

Does anyone have any advice for dealing with a mentally ill parent who is prone to guilt trips? My dad is severely depressed — he has been for ages, and now as he's getting older he's also physically unwell so his pain and constant discomfort only adds to his depression. He's alluded to not feeling like he has much

Aww Dusty! That character is so quotable! I still do this whenever I'm really really hungry:

I'm aging into Cyndi Lauper or Helena Bonham-Carter while all the other women are aging into the women you see in Saran Wrap commercials

I was "exorcised" by a shaman in Peru. I honestly don't remember all of what he said because his Spanish was heavily accented (probably a native Quechua speaker) but he put his hand on my head and pushed screaming "¡FUERA!"

My boyfriend is a grandpa driver. He's also incredibly nervous and scared; he'll drive, but much prefers it when I do. I'm way more confident a driver, I don't go crazy-fast but I go fast enough to not inspire the wrath of those behind me, and I've never been in an accident (he's been in 2). The worst was when a

OH MY GOD THAT SONG! That video! The dancing moving men! The midriff shirts! Wow! Much 90s! So scream-singing! Wow!

LMAO! I didn't see Canadian Prime Minister as an option but IMO that is the winner of all.