Uhoh, good luck! Do you at least get paid for the work you do?
Uhoh, good luck! Do you at least get paid for the work you do?
Oh gosh, I appreciate the lead but I can't fathom adding more research at this point! It's due Tuesday, at this point I'm just trying to piece together what I've found and hope for the best. But thanks though!
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I hate finding sources that look promising but that turn into dead ends. It's depressing.
Oh no, feel better!
Thank you! That's very reassuring. I hope the professor sees that I really did try to take a unique stance, rather than going for one of the more obvious topics.
Haha, thank you! Right now I'm sidetracked by She's All That — reminiscing about being 14. I'll get back to work in a little bit. If I can get to 8 pages tonight, I can finish up tomorrow and refine Monday and Tuesday. I just don't want to! lol
OMG me too! I definitely try to pace myself better now since I work and can't really pull all-nighters anymore, but sometimes the timing is such that I'm bogged with a ton of stuff due at once (like now) and couldn't take a day off work to work on it (like now), so I wind up scrambling. I have no motivation, no…
Guys. I'm writing a paper for my grad class and I have no idea how I'm going to finish. I'm essentially taking an argument from an article that I critiqued for my oral presentation, which compared (futilely) the works of Machiavelli and La Rochefoucauld (17th century moralist), and rearguing that if we accept that…
This is pretty crappy but actually a lot better than her last song. Better production, maybe some more singing lessons?
I suppose that's a better way of putting it! Julie Andrews is very pretty, but she's a believable nun without tons of makeup and such. Carrie Underwood looks way too starlet for the part.
No disrespect to Julie Andrews, who is lovely, but Carrie Underwood is WAY too pretty to be Maria.
I've been teaching for 6 years, and they don't seem to spend any time on handwriting of any kind. Reading middle schooler scrawl is a skill it's taken years to hone. Some are almost hopeless and I have to verbally confirm what letter they meant.
This looks horrible and awesome at the same time.
My mom's (female) dog humps one of my nieces whenever she goes over.
This is an unexpected side effect of the Mirena. I haven't had to buy supplies in years. The only reason I even have any handy is because my boyfriend's mom buys random things on super-sale and then distributes them, but she only has one daughter so I get the rest. They've been useful for the odd days I spot, but…
28, but other than being an adult and doing adult things (like job and bills and such), I don't feel a day over 16! Seriously. My eye twitches a little at the realization that I'm as old as I am. Not that 28 is old, per se, just... older than I feel.
"fluid dialogue"
I need some advice on tact, specifically as it involves a grad school advisor. I wrote a large term paper last year that everyone who read it loved; it actually earned me a scholarship in my department. My plan was to take this paper and lengthen it for my thesis. There were some areas that I knew needed to be…
So sorry!
I've seen enough History Channel specials to know that Zahi Hawass is not a man to be trifled with! Seriously, if you're lucky enough to score a tour with that guy — dick though he may be, he's at the forefront of Egyptology — you don't show up late. He's busy with things to excavate and Egypts to ologize. Don't be…