
Oh I agree. But I edited to be clear: Miller seems like the controlling, vindictive type, and she might not have much of a choice. Totally speculation, but I just can't imagine being okay with and going along with this if I were in that situation.

Does she? I mean, Miller seems like a monumental asshole, she might just be going along with whatever he says.

This is obviously terrible for the mother and the child, but overlooked aspect here - Miller's wife. What an awkward, horrible position she's in. ETA: I'm assuming she's a 'willing' participant insofar as she's going along with what he's saying, but since he seems like the controlling, vindictive type, is she really

This should be my go-to excuse!

Not sure how they'll hold up in North Dakota, but I got fleece-lined tights from Target and they are divine. They're so soft and cozy, and so delightfully warm. I've only warn them in ~30ish weather and they were warmer than most pants. Once it gets a bit deeper into cold weather (we've had a lot of waffling back

So, question about social conventions: when you're at a friend's house for dinner/movie/general gathering, how do you know when to excuse yourself? I always feel super awkward and don't want to overstay my welcome, but by the same token I don't want to run out too soon. What is the standard? What are the signs?

I think her execution leaves much to be desired, but since I began teaching middle school, I have definitely been made aware of several instances of, shall we say, lackluster hygiene, and it hasn't been beyond the realm of possibility that parents be notified of their child's stinkiness. Fortunately I've never had to

Have you thought about being a k-12 teacher? The demands are different, to be sure, but they pay is significantly better (still not great, mind you, but better). I was buried under a ton of student loan debt (almost $50,000) but in my 6 years as a teacher (first of public high school, now private middle school) I've

One of my favorite movies of all time. Light the lamp, not the rat, light the lamp, not the rat!

I hadn't heard this song but I love it so thank you for posting! The inconsistent toplessness is a little odd, but 14-year-old me is very happy. And 28-year-old me is surprised by how good they all still look.

This reminds me of the woman who found her dog (or cat?) as she was being interviewed after a bad storm (tornadoes?). She was talking about the devastation and having lost her beloved pet, and then bam, out it wanders. I'm not a crier but that one sent me over the edge.

"Let me see your fucking butthole".

I LOVED that bit, and I was surprised by how few of his jokes landed with the audience. My BF and I were cracking up, and by the end I was literally in tears (granted, BF was making fun of me for eating bran flakes dry in between laughs, which contributed to the tears, but mostly we were laughing at that skit)

I actually did get some chocolate and it definitely helps, but I feel like I could devour the whole bar right now... this is a craving level beyond my normal "want chocolate!" I am a hot mess right now lol

You're right, it's totally not worth focusing on, and I was doing really well about not weighing myself often, but I did because my clothes felt tight this week, and bam, it was 4lbs. :( I'm not TOO worried about it, I can get rid of it with a week or two of being a little more strict with what I put into my mouth

Ooh that's delicious! I usually drink vanilla almond milk, so it'd lend itself well to this. Thanks! Why didn't I think of that!

I generally try not to worry too much about my weight, even though I work with a bajillion other women who obsess about it constantly — I try to avoid the frequent offenders, but there's only so many places to go in a school cafeteria! But unfortunately I've gained about 4lbs this month and I'm not really sure how —

I'm conflicted. I would love to sneak wine around in my boobies, but... they're already huge... extra baggage there would just be overkill (and probably painful!). I really can't have it all :(

Same. Way to take the wind out of my unpopular sails :(

Ok, so I agree with the bunch of other commenters who take issue with maligning his intent just because he happens to be a privileged white guy. An ally is an ally, and we should be encouraging more people to be allies.