The Whore of Evil Beckoning You into the Brothel of Despair

IQ tests have been shown again and again to be the best predictor of future success that is available. IQ tests can be studied for and scores can improve but those mere fact don’t disprove anything. Scores will not show a whole sale improvement anymore than me spending hours in the gym will make me LeBron James. We

Making the word ‘resistance’ meaningless will not end well for us. #meaninglesshashtag

Crisco and a large amount of grunting would be my guess.

What mysteries? There is no subtly to the film, it explains everything. It falls just short of characters turning to the screen and saying, “Did you see that? Did you get that reference?”

LeBron kneels and a different memo will be sent out immediately saying the NBA is taking the lead in free speech.

If Trump and Pence both die in a murder-suicide, then things will be slightly better. About the same odds as this guy winning.

You see it, you just don’t know you see it.

Bullshit comment is bullshit.

That’s true. There is nothing better than a well cooked piece of venison. Not sure about what God wants tho.

Hunters and Anglers provide over a $ billion a year for conservation. Of course, a know few hunters who play that video game, so...

But was Phillippe wearing the CVS tights?

I know Christian Bale is a dedicated actor, but shouldn’t he have at least started growing the horns by now?

“Joel Osteen displayed how little he’s willing to literally practice what he literally preaches”

“I don’t know what was driving this situation.”

Movies are crap. They have been crap for awhile. These were an especially crappy set of crappy movies. It will only get worse.

Wonder Woman is bad for cinema.

Yawn. Cancel the lot and start making movies for people who aren’t 40 year old adolescents.

If only he had a father...

Now playing

Alternate take: Been Lee is awesome. Fuck that other guy.

All companies profit off of exploited workers. It’s called capitalism.*