The Whore of Evil Beckoning You into the Brothel of Despair

Good sweet lord! Tim Burton is a dumb motherfucker.

“According to the Guardian, before the primaries, some 6,000 registered Democrats switched to Republican so that they could vote for Trump. Great.”

That’s called getting elected.

See, I thought you were supposed to punch people who streaming Pokémon Go in the face. My bad.

Can they just shoot them?

By David Brooks?

I’m guessing that being laughed at in a language you don’t understand is a different experience from simply not taking a joke.

Reflect on freedom but don’t exercise it, apparently.

Know what you get when you put SJP and KK together? You almost get a whole horse.

Guess whose got some fucked up feet?

When do the t-shirts go on sale?

You’re less fun than is strictly necessary. I respect that though.

Those Germans got a weird for everything.


Can’t we agree that it’s a stupid word for a real phenomena?

We already know she has questionable taste in men. And is a murderer. This is just the last nail in the coffin, as it were.

Only thing that stops a bad girl with a gun is a bumbling idiot with a gun.

It also bursts into flames at low speed impacts.

I’d rather they spend time working on capitalization.

Who did they get to lip-sync her parts?